California Women's March rally called off over fears it would be "overwhelmingly white"

Yes, you read that right. This is what the liberals are all about. SMFH

California Women’s March rally called off over fears it would be ‘overwhelmingly white’
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2019, 12:10 PM
Women’s March Roiled by Accusations of Anti-Semitism

The leadership of the Women's March is anti-Semitic and racist. Using the excuse of "too many white people at the March is just a cover for their racist views.

From the NT times - hardly a right wing paper
And not one word of concern from Pelosi and Schumer.
Hypocrites - as DPST SOP
Just another way for California to remind us that they are the most fucked-up state in our country .....
bamscram's Avatar
There are white liberals? Wooo knew.
There are white liberals? Wooo knew. Originally Posted by bamscram
Yes, and they are a scourge upon humanity.