Please leave yo pimp outta da pikcha!

Donkey Dips's Avatar
So funny thing, I'm tolling at lunch as always and came across this ad

started looking a bit more closely and BAM! There it was, in plain site.

watch your backs boys!
notanewbie's Avatar

He is in the pic and the tattoo.
Donkey Dips's Avatar
haha! wtf! Damn hooktard! I didn't even notice that until you said something. wow
notanewbie's Avatar
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Question is who took the pics?
mescolanza's Avatar
Is that website legit? Hadn't heard of it
Yowzer's Avatar
The ones I also think are funny is when the picture taker (a guy/pimp) gets his reflection in a mirror inadvertently.

This hooktard could have easily cropped the dumbass out of the picture.
Is that website legit? Hadn't heard of it Originally Posted by mescolanza
It is a repost of BP, there are a lot of these type of sites.
Damn his picture on her arm. Must be a way of branding other than a crown.
Donkey Dips's Avatar
oh the damn crown tat. man some of these girls are sadly dumb.
notanewbie's Avatar
and like to be owned.
I'm still trippin' on the room looking like a 6x8 prison cell!

Donkey Dips's Avatar
I'm still trippin' on the room looking like a 6x8 prison cell!

-Hustla Originally Posted by HustleTown
their keeping it "real"
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to co-ed
But she says she's independent...