Here are just a few tips to let you ladies know what we want and what would make you more successful. And, by the way the better providers know this and do this.
1. We meaning us guys know that it is just a fantasy and we want it to be a fantasy session with you.
2. Don't forget we are paying for a service and the old saying the Customer is always right will go a long way!
3. If your girls think we are turned on by a bunch of tattoos and piercings think again, do you really want your body to look like that when you are old?
4. Don't ever make the client feel that it is all about the money. The better providers ask that the donation be taken care of and placed in view and it is over with right there.
5. Provide the time! If you are a dash and cash girl you will not do well in this business. Talk to your client, make him feel special! Find something nice to say about him like-- I love your cologne or you have nice hair, or you are a sharp dresser-- MAKE YOUR CLIENT FEEL WANTED AND DESIRED! HE PROBABLY ISN'T GETTING THAT AT HOME AND THAT IS WHY HE IS THERE TO SEE YOU!
6.Be dressed nice! Nearly every one of you say that you want us to have perfect hygiene. So return the favor, this is your business! Meet your client as you would a business type affair especially if you are meeting for the first time. After that maybe you can relax a little on second and third encounters.
Dress Sexy not Slutty!
7.Underneath that Business Wardrobe should be the Sexiest Lingerie you can find! Get to know your client! Find out about his lingerie favorites! By the way most of us love your perfume, but some guys might need a shower to wash it off!
8.You never get a second chance to make a GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION! Meet us at the door with a smile! Talk to us, ask us about our day! Then tell us how ur going to make us forget our problems!
9.We are not fast food customers! Those guys see street walkers! We want to feel as if we are at the finest establishments! Don't serve us and shove us out the door! Who knows your one hour might turn into a two hour session!
10. Tell us how much you enjoyed the session! Make us feel as if we are the best lovers in the world! Find something nice to say like "I loved the way you made me feel when you did ....." Catch my drift? Also, be a Tiger BCD! Make your client feel as if you really want him! Besides, isn't that why he is coming to see you?
Ok these are my top 10. I hope it will help some of you! Especially you younger providers! The bottom line is just this! Make us feel very very
If you will do these 10 things, you will do well in this business!