1st for everything....

So tonight I have encountered a first! And I want some opinions on the matter. After meeting with a new client, I got an email stating that I am clearly not the girl in my photos because of the tattoo on my back? First and foremost, many of the guys and girls on here know by a few of my pictures, who took the photos and his style of photo taking. That he airbrushes out beauty marks/tattoos and so on so that no one can trace it back to it being my self, or any of the other girls that have had him take pictures. Is this something that big of a deal that I should post a back picture of my tattoo? I mean, I know many gents will be loving this because it and only will allow them to see more of my beautiful ass haha but seriously!?! I know I shouldn't really let this bug me, but I have never felt the need to steal/use other peoples pictures. I am extremly happy with my body. So when I am told that MY pictures aren't my self, it kind of pisses me off!
brutusbluto's Avatar
I would not let that bother you, when we do reviews we dont describe any tattoos past the fact that there is a tat. Best not to pic your tat I would think.
I wonder if this is how celebs feel? Instantly it's not them because of a little airbrushing. Geese if I have my pictures taken ever again I may just stick to a natural, not that it was choice before to be touched up.
Maybe tats just aren't something he's into. Some people don't like them.
Sometimes tattoos just are not peoples thing. On one hand While having them airbrushed off in your photos it may lead one to think you do not have them. On the other hand you do have on your showcase/bios that you do have a tattoo. So any informed person that read your showcase and not just looked at the pictures should have known that. Overall it's not something to get worried about I'd venture to say, because tattoos are not really a relevant indicator of a provider when it comes to her service level anyway.
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 07-29-2010, 04:47 AM
I would not worry about it,
Now I MUST see you to see the tattoo !!!
Actually, I would love to see you with or without the tattoo, does not matter to me, your pictures are beautiful, and I am sure that you are.
christinadoll's Avatar
Hi Brook! I too have a lower back tat and have/had the same concern. I have one pic where I am laying down and my back is exposed; however, I have a scarf covering my tat. I would like to think my tattoo is one of a kind (you never know though) and I wouldn't want anyone to trace back to myself too. I would either do some kind of pose that allows you to cover it with something or just try to avoid it in your pics. I wouldn't airbrush out anything, because it can possibly be misleading. But that is JMO.
Thanks for all the input!! I thought my self I wasn't misleading. As wlhrgfan pointed out, in my showcase I make it clear I do have a tattoo. Anyone that is in my personal life, that has seen my tattoo, will know instantly its myself in a showcase of pictures not showing my face. At the end of the day, we all have our personal life. And cnym I'd love for you to come visit sometime It's always nice making new long lasting friends.
elghund's Avatar

If the guy didn't like your tattoo......too bad for him. Picture or not, you clearly have your tattoo listed. He didn't bother to read your showcase, so the problem is his, not yours.

As I'm sure you've experienced....some people complain just for the sake of complaining....don't let one of those people bother you.

  • Aguy
  • 07-29-2010, 07:19 AM
Don't let it bother you. I've found that when you deal with the public there will always be people that are unhappy no matter what you do. Mostly they have to be unhappy about something and you happen to be it today, tomorrow it will be someone else.

I will say this though, if he found you through escorts .com there is nothing there that I see that indicates that you have a tattoo.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I am guilty of alot latley. I missed the "One" after "Tattoos:". Missed it even after reading this thread. I keep getting distracted by the mmmmmmm ahhhhhhhh errrrrrrr puppy. Yes, it was the puppys fault. aaaaaaaaah nice puppy.
I just doubled check with e.com, your right it doesn't state I have a tattoo but there isn't an option for me to put piercings, tattoos down. I do know with the reviews on there, gents can mark it down. And offshoredrilling, its always the puppies fault. ) maybe someday you'll be lucky enough to meet the puppy and me as well .
It looks like everyone here agrees in this issue. If that guy can't understand why discretion is necessary, then perhaps you didn't lose a premium client anyway.
my reviews state i have a tattoo, but i have anything like that or birthmarks removed in my pics due to discretion & my tattoo is def one of a kind. it's small & discreet but you never know who is lurking on here and if it was in my pics it would be a dead give away as to who i am. same reason why my face is blurred out. i don't see anything wrong with it. and if there is that much problem with a tattoo, then maybe he isn't worth seeing to begin with if he is that picky. don't let it bother you, i hear crap about my pics all the time
  • m2244
  • 07-30-2010, 02:19 AM
come on babe, I tohught you better then this...and I know you can admit you and I when you first came into this world had very many awesome long talks and i know your a great girl..and from these talks I know your smarter then to think your not amazing no matter what someone thinks......and I taught you from being in the business points of view also..because I knew you were going to be great and I wanted you to learn you could venture off safely...which you did....you have a tat..yes a beautiful one for a beautiful girl...you have right listed that you do....so just beacuse someone needs a visual because they can not read all the facts is not your fault (not meant in a bad way at all ).........so cheer up and who cares hun....your a good person and beautiful and you tattoo expresses that!..MUAH