The Blackhole....

Call it just one of those opinionated days or just an overall reflections of Hobbying out of a Buffalo based Hobbyist...

But why is Buffalo a Blackhole in terms of quality providers? As someone thats known the hobby scene here in Buffalo for over 7 years, its like Buffalo at times does not exist in the realm of reasonable hobbiying. I mean don't get me wrong...there are a handful (yes one hand it seems unfortunately ) of quality SP's based out of Buffalo. But seeing that we are the state's second largest city and an easy route on the I-90, It baffles me why we can't seem to get a sustainable pool of talent in Buffalo or draw a frequent amount of touring ladies in general.

I know we have crappy weather. I know our logistics in the city blow at times. But those 2 standout reasons aside... I cannot see why Buffalo just falls short of close by cities like Rochester and even Niagara Falls, ONT (I can't believe I have to give a Canadian city credit over an American one here too) in terms of quality SP talent that can really stands out and flourishes. Bottom line not many SP's come here, Not many quality ones even stay here for longer than a one year window for that matter so you can build a good hobby base. I don't know if its just me or am I just living in a backwards, Bizzaro-twilight-Zone of a Blackhole when it comes to looking for a sustainable great talent selection In Buffalo NY?

BTW I am really interested in some of the provider's opinions on the matter here as well cause it all starts with the ladies in terms of talent, and the source of talent is always better wealth of knowledge than the casting agents
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-09-2010, 03:11 PM
I don't know if its just me or am I just living in a backwards, Bizzaro-twilight-Zone of a Blackhole when it comes to looking for a sustainable great talent selection In Buffalo NY? Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
I have some thoughts, but you've got me on ignore so i won't bother.
The disparity in the availability of providers between Buffalo and Rochester has been discussed before and is too painful to revisit. As for the reasons, let me suggest a few:
  • The competition from the plentiful supply in Niagara Falls, ON, making it tougher for providers to make it in Buffalo.
  • The lower per-capita income, hence lower hobbyist buying power, in Erie County (compared to Monroe County).
  • Perhaps differences in LE/societal tolerance.
jokacz's Avatar
Asking this question is always like asking for trouble. Local providers feelings get hurt and the "Boost Buffalo" crowd gets their panties in a bunch. Just be glad Rochester and Canada are close by.
Asking this question is always like asking for trouble. Local providers feelings get hurt and the "Boost Buffalo" crowd gets their panties in a bunch. Just be glad Rochester and Canada are close by. Originally Posted by jokacz
It's not meant to stir up trouble at all...Just picking a topic or making a point to try and gets some Provider opinions on a board that is hobbyist opinion heavy...More people always ask and wish for more Provider based input/involvement on these threads so I pick topics that are very relevant and may stir a little emotion to get the gals to respond. Like I said their opinion is best on the matter to understand why the situation in Buffalo is what it is. A hobbyist can quote me stats and opinions all they want. But there has to be very specific reasons why SP's don't stay here, tour here. And bottom line is they are the source of the business not the hobbyist themselves this thread can shed very insightful provider input and opinion if contributed to and thats why I chose the subject at hand not to stir up hard feelings. If providers are offended they should not be seeing that I'm not mentioning names nor pointing fingers. Just looking for "their" honest opinions.

I stated that there are a handful of good locals and meant just that...Unless you have huge hands many slip out and the good ones stay balanced in there if you will...Anyone has to admit the pool of talent here in Buffalo is stunted and any SP active profile based web site will show that the numbers back it up.
Oh and yes Jack your points are pretty well known and valid...but I dispute the per-capita income theory to some extent. Sure its a factor in some degrees...but We are the 2nd largest city in NY with pretty much the same income stats as any other city in the state, it is not a wide change amongst the cities. Looking at Income stats across the sate there is very little difference in median wages of groups in say Buffalo, Rochester, & Syracuse. And provider rates are the same across the board ...A $250 rate is the same in Buffalo as it is in Rochester as it is in Detroit as it is in any city is all I'm saying...The location changes sure but fees remain a constant and demand for that fee'd service is constant. The money factor is there cause "sex sells" and it always has a market.
At the risk of belaboring the point, the median household income is $38,576 in Erie County and $44,891 in Monroe County. That extra $6,000 in a tight-money region could mean the difference between "play" and "no play".
Like I said I'm sure Income is a factor sometimes...As is weather...or cost of hotels/logistics. But people spend money on things they can't afford all the time lol. Doesn't stop them from seeing SP's. People that can't afford Hummers still drive em in Buffalo...Safe to say there's a percentage People that can't afford SP's still see em...There are people addicted to hobbying doesn't stop em...

Like you say belaboring the point it may be... But I still hear no provider opinions here yet as to why so few set up shop nor tour here more frequently, and Like I say its their rationale, opinion, and answers that ultimately shed light on the subject. Not us or our opinions and stats.

I'm aware that questions like this thread have been posted before...I'm aware search string is my friend as someone alway's chimes in and points out...I've even read the some of the past threads...But you know its a board of opinions and varied people. Perhaps since this topic was last posted there are new views...perhaps new members are willing to shed new or differing opinions...Perhaps peoples opinions or views have changed...Old questions can still have fresh perspectives and if one never asks one never knows
Doove's Avatar
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  • 08-09-2010, 05:02 PM
Just looking for "their" honest opinions. Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
Don't hold your breath. Unless it's a case of numerous providers packing up and leaving Buffalo to go to Rochester or wherever else you have in mind, which it's not, i doubt they'd have any more of an idea than Jack or Jokacz would. In other words, it's likely that's it's little more than a case of "it is what it is".

I doubt there's really one concrete rationale that we can point to that would provide the answer, but one notion i don't think i've heard yet is the fact that Buffalo really is a pretty blue collar town - far more-so than Rochester. Whether that translates into Rochester girls growing up with a greater sense of independence than Buffalo girls, i don't know. Or maybe the blue collar nature of Buffalo creates another dynamic that impacts whether a girl would be inclined to get into this business. I'll let the sociologists amongst us sort that all out.

Beyond that, don't discount the proximity to Canada, where not only is there some pretty strong competition, but it's also legal. I can see how the idea of attempting to make it in an illegal profession may seem daunting when you're competition is only 10 minutes away and doesn't have to deal with LE in the same way you do.

And finally, i guess it depends, at least in part, on what your definition of a quality provider is. There are only 4 girls i would ever care to see, and 3 of them happen to be in Rochester. I can personally chalk that up to just bad luck. But there are plenty of providers in Buffalo who seem to get quality reviews on a continual basis.

In other words, i have no freakin' idea.
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
Count your blessings, and be glad you're not in Syracuse! :-)
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  • cnym
  • 08-10-2010, 03:00 PM
Count your blessings, and be glad you're not in Syracuse! :-) Originally Posted by HlavinKitheri
OMG, I had to Laugh when I read this one....

We are blessed with few Syracuse (or let me call it CNY) based "Quality" providers with many others that seem to get good reviews on ecom

The "Premium" providers seem to travel to Syracuse sometimes, so it is hit or miss to see them.

Unfortunately, I have heard it from more than one provider that Syracuse is not the best place to travel to, they all had different opinions of why !!!!!

In my case, I communicate with a few of the best "premium" providers and make every effort to see them when they are here.

In other cases, some newbie and start-up providers that are from the CNY area once they get "steller" reviews, they start to travel and get buisy !!!

Bottom line for me anyway, I count my blessings when my GFE's and my ATF travel to Syracuse, so lets be appreciative and happy that they do come to see us. Thank you ladies
I used to travel from Rochester to Buffalo for an SP who was NRP, seems like a lot of SP's travel through Buffalo too,