does age matter more or less

  • m2244
  • 08-17-2010, 10:03 AM
okay guys here it goes....

does age of your provider/client matter?.....

or is it maturity/respectfulness
jokacz's Avatar
PaGent's Avatar
I think it is more maturity/respectfulness, than age.

I have seen some younger providers who are very good and have great skills.

But, I still prefer a provider 35 ish to 45 ish who really knows what she likes and is not afraid to let herself have a good time and enjoy the session as much as the client does.

Some of the younger providers are so wham, bam and out the door kind of providers, that it is such a mechanical feeling session.

So I think it depends on the providers maturity.

As far as clients go. I am told by providers that they prefer the older mature type. That maybe them just telling me this as that is what I am.
Chaz108's Avatar
I think it is more maturity/respectfulness, than age.

I have seen some younger providers who are very good and have great skills.

But, I still prefer a provider 35 ish to 45 ish who really knows what she likes and is not afraid to let herself have a good time and enjoy the session as much as the client does.

Some of the younger providers are so wham, bam and out the door kind of providers, that it is such a mechanical feeling session.

So I think it depends on the providers maturity.

As far as clients go. I am told by providers that they prefer the older mature type. That maybe them just telling me this as that is what I am. Originally Posted by PaGent
I couldn't agree more. I've seen my age, older, and younger providers.

For me age has never really played a part in who I am interested in meeting. Once the meeting has taken place, if the provider has made the experience an enjoyable one and I feel good when I leave, age really didn't matter.

From my limited experience, it seems it takes a very special lady that is on the younger side to carry a conversation well, at least a conversation I'm interested in. If you're lucky enough to find one, make sure you take care of her!
I like what PaGent just said. To add my own spin from only a single narrow perspective...

Depends on my mood.

It feels like with women below 25, I end up directing the play a lot. That may be because of how I react to being with someone that young or it may be that they are young and let go of the lead.

With women around 30, the play seems to be pretty even steven in terms of who's setting the action and the pace.

Women around 35 seem to be pretty assertive about what they want. I like that.

The women I've been with over the age of 40 absolutely destroy me. Skills, assertiveness, comfort with themselves, edginess... I find myself walking away thinking I just got schooled.

[I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks]
offshoredrilling's Avatar
"does age of your provider/client matter?....."

Some like younger, others like 30's, others like myself like 40's or older. And for some age does not look to matter at all.

I have meet a few form when I started on boards in 2007. But most for me have been retreads. And I say that in a good way. Met for p4p when we where both much younger. They leave for job or to have kids. Then came back into this for p4p and or for fun. Every time one or two leave, one or two come back. And for me, I like going to what I all ready know.
Yet many need the keep looking for the next new. Hunt, repeat, Hunt, hunt, repeat over and over again. For me I did enjoy hunting for the next. But it has become unsafe outside of boards like ECCIE and When I first started on ASPD, it was new, fun, safe and I enjoyed it. But after getting started and saw a few. And so I could met others using the ref.'s. I find I do not enjoy it. The hunting is to easy. CL and BP are a no go as I see it. Most bars that I hunt in and mostly gone. The one that was hunting heaven, is now hunting hell(well all most).
But running into some one from the past in person. And checking if still into a go at it or not is fun and more to my liking.
I like posting, but looking for the next on this board, mmmm not so much. But finding a few on this board that I knew from the past has been alot of fun. Yet soon I would think I would enjoy the chase on this board again. For its been so long that I have met one form here that I will be like a newbie. Yet I still like the first finding in person better.

No one on this board is the same. And there is so much more to this than "age" you like. For the only 20's or 30's I am seeing are UTR, and met in person. Most of the 40's have been return to or just out for fun.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The women I've been with over the age of 40 absolutely destroy me. Skills, assertiveness, comfort with themselves, edginess... I find myself walking away thinking I just got schooled.

[I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks] Originally Posted by NormalBob
some of them I have known for years, And we learned togther. May be part of why I keep with them.
For my self, respectfulness is what matters most. Now not to step on any toes but all but one client that I have seen that was under the age of 30 were pretty much a**holes. They didn't seem to respect my boundries and rules that I have set. So far, I have only had one great experience with a young man and Mary I am sure you know who I am talking about. We both love and miss him. However, there are older men that I have seen, who still seem to push me into my uncomfortable zone. Like how I always say... Age is just a number. You can be 60 yrs old and still an a**hole who can't respect my rules and you can be 20 yrs old and just the same. This though is all on the provider side of view end. Seems like for us neither being older or younger matters when seeing clients. Its making sure that who we see is respectful to not only us, but also respectful to our rules and guidelines to what is done in appointments.
some of them I have known for years, And we learned togther. May be part of why I keep with them. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I suppose I need to thank you to some extent and ask for a few pointers.
  • m2244
  • 08-17-2010, 12:39 PM
okay all makes scene....I asked this question because i get this email a lot....."hello Mary saw your profile on eccie you are beautiful but very young"......ahhh with the but, No doubt in my mind that there are older providers that i would love to take a few notes down from them......but if you really look at it yes....they have the years of practice....but I know me myself has the world i grew up in, things are way more sexual today even in advertising and such it actually scares me what the little children see and hear today. To be able to carry on a good intriguing conversation is also a good point. I have even said myself sometimes talking to someone my age can be frustrating because i either get board or remember talking about this type of thing is fifth grade yes marturaity is the awnser i am going to go with. Maybe i should switch my headline to young but MATURE and SKILLED gfe/pse lol.......Normal bob i do believe you were one of these oh wow your young guys lol.....did I change your mind
  • m2244
  • 08-17-2010, 12:40 PM
and Brooke ugh yes i do miss him....and i can agree with that i really do like older men now esp after seeing how younger guys think they rule the world and want to take over one female at a time ...not this girl ....
smokey1187's Avatar
well ladies I'm a touch older and if you show up here in Bflo I show you all the respect a guy like me should give a lady.
  • m2244
  • 08-17-2010, 01:03 PM
we would be touched.....
I asked this question because i get this email a lot....."hello Mary saw your profile on eccie you are beautiful but very young"......ahhh with the but, .......Normal bob i do believe you were one of these 'oh wow, you're young' guys lol.....did I change your mind Originally Posted by m2244
You caught me at a funny time in the hobby Mary. I have a 21 y/o daughter. I was freaked out that I'd be with someone that she may bring over to watch Twilight with, not in a real sense but symbolically.

Before I saw China, I was convinced that 27 or so was as young as I should go. Why? 52 y/o male divided by two = 27. The math worked perfectly for a duo. LOL!

After my second or third visit with China, I realized that age wasn't the issue. My hang up was an issue and the maturity of the provider was as well. In many regards, China was more mature than I am (or hope to be... )

I'm don't rightly recall how I got over my concern about your age since you are yet a younger woman. [Actually I recall exactly why I got over it but will be discrete in public].

At my age, part of the reason I write reviews is so that I don't forget the good stuff in life.

You blew me away. Fun. Up for an adventure. Talented. Tall (that's for you kid). In short, you rock... assuming that this expression hasn't already aged past its useful life...

My attitude is now quite different.

You women have been a bad influence on me.
  • m2244
  • 08-17-2010, 01:18 PM
I'm starting to think maybe if i put age as like 28 or 30 lol....people will give me more of a chance to meet me and realize the maturity and such.....and I AM TALL BOB lol......verrryyy crack me was completely unnecessary to measure every person in the room to determine my height lol