legality in canada?

soooo..... wikipedia says its legal... is this true?
My ATF was up in Vancouver. I flew up and visited with her twice for multiple days each time. The business is perfectly legal up there and long as she is not out there street walking it seems. Anything that happens BCD whether or not any money is exchanged is fine with our Canadian neightbors. Seems like that is the standard about everywhere else in the world with the exception of the United States.
In addition to not walking the streets, there can not be an intermediate party (translate: pimp) involved, and the providers have to be licensed and have a blood test every so often (every 3 or 6 months, I forget which). For a casual thing, many women in the 8-5 workforce make some extra cash over their lunch hour from time to time. These Ladies seldom ever get a license and are quite often a co-worker.
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the providers have to be licensed and have a blood test every so often (every 3 or 6 months, I forget which). Originally Posted by CharminEyes
I don't know what part of Canada you are talking about, but in the province of Ontario there is no licensing or testing of escorts. Certain municipalities license strippers and massage attendants, but that's about it. I'm pretty sure Quebec is the same way as are the Maritimes.