I doubt that this has been discussed in the past.
My new place is coming along great. It truly is.
But the clock that I HAD for my room just isn't working right and I haven't decided exactly what other type of clock that I might want for the room.
(In my circles, we refer to this type of situation as "white girl problems.")
Anyway, I have this hot pink hourglass that is fairly accurate for an hour.
What I've done, sometimes, is just flip that hourglass over while we're getting undressed and it's worked just fine.
So would you consider having an hourglass, for something other than decoration, to be a bit tacky? Or different?
The timing on it is fairly accurate.
I was just curious as to the thoughts of others. There is a very weird sense of hooker-philosophical-purity to the whole "hourglass" thing, if that makes sense and I'm sure it doesn't to most. .