So do you think that using an hourglass to keep time is tacky?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I doubt that this has been discussed in the past.

My new place is coming along great. It truly is.

But the clock that I HAD for my room just isn't working right and I haven't decided exactly what other type of clock that I might want for the room.

(In my circles, we refer to this type of situation as "white girl problems.")

Anyway, I have this hot pink hourglass that is fairly accurate for an hour.

What I've done, sometimes, is just flip that hourglass over while we're getting undressed and it's worked just fine.

So would you consider having an hourglass, for something other than decoration, to be a bit tacky? Or different?

The timing on it is fairly accurate.

I was just curious as to the thoughts of others. There is a very weird sense of hooker-philosophical-purity to the whole "hourglass" thing, if that makes sense and I'm sure it doesn't to most. .
Hercules's Avatar
Not tacky at all IMO.

But whu'bout guys like me who do min. of 2 hours?
I think its much more tacky to continuously look at the clock and phone, but it may be more archaic than "tacky" which isn't a bad thing at all
Randall Creed's Avatar
So, hourglasses are actually accurate, eh? That's cool. I wouldn't be bothered by it. Since I'm only a one-popper and likely to be done way before that, it wouldn't have much effect on me anyway, unless you're one of those girls that won't let a guy leave without at least trying for a second one (those are the ones I give tips to).

Is there any acceptable particular way to keep track of time without 'keeping track of time'? I know Apple computers can be set to say the time every hour, but that's only useful if you start right at the top of the hour.
(In my circles, we refer to this type of situation as "white girl problems.") Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Lol!! I love you!!

I doubt half of the guys would even notice that you're flipping it over because they would be too busy watching you get undressed!
I have considered making an hour glass in the shape of a woman ...
I have considered making an hour glass in the shape of a woman ... Originally Posted by Aether

Too cute!
TinMan's Avatar
Better than an egg timer.

Too cute! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
An hourglass is already the shape of a woman! . At least my kind of woman
An hourglass is already the shape of a woman! . At least my kind of woman Originally Posted by Halfbad
Hey, I definitely see you know have great taste in YUMMY

( wishing I was there!)
Hey, I definitely see you know have great taste in YUMMY

( wishing I was there!) Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Woulda been the cherry on top for sure!
aubie79's Avatar
Nah...not tacky. That's one more item of debauchery that makes you the sexy seductress you are Elisabeth.
Find one in the shape of a penis
Phrasing's Avatar
I wouldn't think so. So guys want to keep an eye on the clock too, so maybe they
Won't know what time it is. I try to talk for 15-20 minutes and without a visual number, I'll get lost in my thoughts! Haha
Say What's Avatar
I think it would be CLASSIC!

But, I also think the abacus is underrated. So...