Chat.....Let's See If We Can Make This a Fun Place!

Lana Warren's Avatar
Well, first of all, this may seem like a rant, but that's not my intention at all!

Ok, as we all know, there is a plethora of new people on our great board, especially since CL had their fiasco! Of course before reading the forums or the sticky notes, they go straight to chat!

As most of you know, I'm a talker, so I'm in chat quite often in the evenings and have a blast chatting with my buddies and always welcome the new folks with open arms!

But, I cannot tell you how many times that at least 1 or 2 pissing matches happen each night in chat! Usually it doesn't happen for very long and after I use my "Dear Lana" technique on them, things quieten down and we go back to our fun!

But, you wanna know who usually started these pissing matches? You guessed it......the newbies! Like I said, they are welcomed with open arms, but occasionally, we'll have some smart ass who is looking for a fight! I bet you're thinking that it's some guy........WRONG! Oh, we get those, but mostly it's a new girl who is looking for a date!

Ok, so I understand that nothing is sacred in chat anymore, like pics and solicitation, but can't it be done with a little more discretion! I thought that was what private chat was for!

I know that some of these new girls don't have a clue on what to do, so I try my best to direct them in the right direction, some listen and some don't! Same thing with the new guys!

I know that our great chat mod cannot be in there every second to bring things under control, so it is up to us to conduct ourselves in an adult manner!

For goodness sakes, chat is meant to have fun......innocent flirting is very sexy! Hell, we even have a wonderful gentleman who post youtube links to classic rock videos.......nothing like chatting with friends while listening to some great tunes!

So, here is my plea.......PLEASE be respectful when coming into chat! Remember that there are other ways to flirt without having to outright beg for it! Be kind to the develops long lasting friendships! And ALWAYS behave like the ladies and gentlemen that we know we are!

Oh, I guess I did come off as a ranter, but to be honest with you, I just hate what has become of our beloved chat! Ok, I'm done bitchin'.......let's go have some fun!
SunsetCowboy's Avatar
Great post Lana couldn't agree with you more. Very nicely stated I have always enjoyed our conversations.
Like you said it has gotten out of control lately.
And like you stated a lot can be handled in private chat.
Need advice on anything or have a question within limits ask before making an as** of yourself. PM a member and ask in private. We will be glad to answer any question or advice you may want to know within limits.
There are numerous classy ladies and gents on chat that share pics, stories, favorite songs, life experiences and so on. It is a place to get to know each other, flirt, joke around and even talk sports.
There is a lot of kidding and joking back and forth with the ladies and the gentleman and it all in fun. So if you have a chip on your shoulder or thinskinned and can't take a joke or 2 then chat is not for you.
If you have a beef with someone take it to private chat so no one else has to listen to it. Also the constant bs back and forth banter can be taken to private chat.
And like Lana stated we welcome all with open arms. The more the merrier as long as we keep it merry.
+1 Lana
Thank you for having patience with the newbies, not everyone is as kind.

Sometimes this board and chat are so much like high school.

We are not always going to agree, and we most definitely all like different things.
What is so hard about being respectful? Maybe I was just raised differently, but I cannot undestand how harsh and crazy can be to others on this board.

We are all adults here, let's act accordingly. Just because you're typing on a keyboard instead up speaking face to face, gives you no right to be disrespectful or inappropriate.

The GOLDEN rule - "Treat others how you'd like to be treated."
We learned that in kindergarten, right? So simple, yet some people just can't grasp the concept.

Awesome post, Lana... I'd like to add a few more things as well.

#1 - Newbies - read the welcome forums, especially girls wanting to be Verified Providers. That is what the welcome and provider threads are for. We're in chat to chat.. or pm a provider and ask her for her help if you can't figure it out.

#2 - Posting pics in the room is wonderful, but repeated pic posting where no conversation is happening and all you see is pictures gets a little annoying when your screen is full of images to click, line after line after line.

#3 - As providers, shouldn't we all be friendly to each other? Some of the providers, I've noticed, do not even say hello to other providers. They even go as far as saying "so and so is my guy" or "he's taken". We're supposed to be a team - at least that's what we like to think in the Ladies section.. so let's act like it. We're supposed to support each other not only in the Ladies section, but every part of this hobby, as well as chat.

Just my .02...
tsrv4me's Avatar
Keep ATR4 out of rhe chat room and things would be better
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-31-2010, 07:44 PM
am-a-pleaser's Avatar

... there are other ways to flirt without having to outright beg for it! ..........let's go have some fun! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
omg Lana, I'm ready for fun with you! Hey, it's fun for me.
Lana Warren's Avatar
omg Lana, I'm ready for fun with you! Hey, it's fun for me. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser

Then let's have some fun, sweetheart!
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Then let's have some fun, sweetheart! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
A Lana sandwich. I like.

I hope I showed that we can have fun. Flirt without begging and didn't hijack your excellent thread.
Chat would be better off if that Gambino guy wasn't there....always messin with people. posting music videos, thinkin He's some kind of mob guy.....

That guy thinks the chat room is a club!! Grrrrrr....
Lana Warren's Avatar
Chat would be better off if that Gambino guy wasn't there....always messin with people. posting music videos, thinkin He's some kind of mob guy.....

That guy thinks the chat room is a club!! Grrrrrr.... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Shut up and get your ass back into chat!
LazurusLong's Avatar

You are not in chat.

Is everything OK?

You're always fun Lana. Get's the juices flowing!
Lana Warren's Avatar

You are not in chat.

Is everything OK?

LOL Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Yeah, I'm fine! When I noticed that you were in chat, I thought, one smart ass at a time in chat!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Yeah, I'm fine! When I noticed that you were in chat, I thought, one smart ass at a time in chat! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Are we gonna need a booker for chat now?