Amy thin again or bbw?

Those pics are at least 12-15 years old or older. When she "came back" a couple years ago she lied over and over that they were recent. I had her pose in a certain way and the picture was not good.
If you really want to see her force her to send a picture posing in a way you describe so you know it's recent.
That first pic is from her days on e . com if you remember that website. So, yeah, 15 years at least.
I know all about the pictures, I'm just wondering if anybody's seen her in the last 4 or 5
Sorry to say that she has gained a lot of weight. Was happy when she came back. Made appointment couldn’t believe it was her. That was 8 months ago.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I don't understand using fake or old pics. There are soooo many bbw clients in this area.
teabagger's Avatar
Recently set up appointment. Review posted. She is an obese train wreck now. All photos are completely false. She’s trading on pics from 10 years ago.