for all you anti-america, anti free enterprise, anti common sense, anti oil business, anti right thinking, anti everything thats true and real and good solyndra sucking obamaphiles

here ..just what i've been saying for a few years in here
you forgot anti teasipper sheep
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  • WTF
  • 08-13-2012, 10:42 AM
you forgot anti teasipper sheep Originally Posted by ekim008

He is still light headed from the Romney butt fucking and the Ryan reach around...
hell yes sell the excess you idiot
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  • WTF
  • 08-13-2012, 11:11 AM
hell yes sell the excess you idiot Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

You do realize that opening up the market will effect the price in a negative way. (Negative in that price(s) will rise)

So what is good for short term profits for big oil is costly for long term lower costs for the average middle class taxpayer.

Not that the average Tea Nut understands such dynamics.

Chemical Co's are able to buy this low cost NGL's and have a competitive advantage around the world. So by giving to Peter , we take away from Paul. Are you smart enough to understand this?
Alan418's Avatar
Every Republican I know is pissed off about EVERYTHING. I'm just not riled up enough to give a rat's ass.
You do realize that opening up the market will effect the price in a negative way. (Negative in that price(s) will rise)

So what is good for short term profits for big oil is costly for long term lower costs for the average middle class taxpayer.

Not that the average Tea Nut understands such dynamics.

Chemical Co's are able to buy this low cost NGL's and have a competitive advantage around the world. So by giving to Peter , we take away from Paul. Are you smart enough to understand this? Originally Posted by WTF
move along you're too obtuse to discuss anything with
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  • WTF
  • 08-13-2012, 11:43 AM
If pointing out that there is a Ying to every Yang is now considered obtuse,

... then you must be a Tea Nut.

If pointing out that there is a Ying to every Yang is now considered obtuse,

Originally Posted by WTF

what you point out is immaterial, beside any point and some rabbit trail you hop along

if your point is prices go up if there is more demand and not enough supply maybe a statue should be erected in your honor and you should give enlightening economic seminars to democrats.... but you may be sneered at and shunned for truth, science and common sense usually gets treated thusly by the politically correct crowd
hell yes sell the excess you idiot Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

All oil is sold on the open market,if you think our oil companys are going to sell at a reduced price to us you are delusional...
All oil is sold on the open market,if you think our oil companys are going to sell at a reduced price to us you are delusional... Originally Posted by ekim008
huh? what are you talking about? some scrambling in your cerebellum?
huh? what are you talking about? some scrambling in your cerebellum? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

see #4
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  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2012, 04:08 PM
we do sell the excess ... exported at global prices
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  • WTF
  • 08-13-2012, 05:26 PM
not sure wtf never was trying to make a point of. T Boone been saying that for years. never musta never heard of T Boone PICKENS. you know never, the one that wants to convert 18 wheelers to natural gas...
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  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2012, 05:34 PM
not sure wtf never was trying to make a point of. T Boone been saying that for years. never musta never heard of T Boone PICKENS. you know never, the one that wants to convert 18 wheelers to natural gas... Originally Posted by WTF

Booner owns the rights to half the NG in the state ... lol

he did the same thing to my ex wifes oil company that romney did when he was at Bain ... white knighted a take over, sold out to Conoco, and made a few million ..