Are So-Called Timewasters an Urban Legend?

FloridaShark's Avatar
One of the most common complaints on this board has to do with time wasters. On the provider side these are said to be hobbyists that inundate a provider with various forms of communication (texts, calls, PMs, e-mails) without actually coming through with an appointment. Like those click bait ads - Providers HATE him.

Yet the common complaint from hobbyists is they can't ever get an appointment. Providers post ads then never respond to calls, texts, e-mails, PMs or even P411 requests. So, is the "time waster" a real thing or a function of providers having complicated lives that interfere with the myriad of communications they get?

Can you imagine getting voice mail? Ugh. E-mail on three different platforms? Requests for used panties on Etsy or whatever that site is for. Christ the service sector is awful. Plus, dudes are juggling burner phones, ghost mail accounts, proxy server settings not to mention, you know, work and life. (If you aren't, you should be.)

So anyway, HOT TAKE ALERT, I'm calling bullshit on the time waster. He's a euphemism for when appointments fall through due to communication breakdown. I demand the nerd provider who runs the Wanker List Acccess database run a query and tell me how many time wasters are in there. Otherwise I ain't buying it.
Still Looking's Avatar
Time Wasters, negotiators, tire kickers and jerk offs. Yes they do exist. There is a small percentage of hobbyists that play games. I think most hobbyist like myself do their research and simply ask WHERE & WHEN?
The are so many factors that can come into play.

I know in one such case a short while ago I waited forever to get screening approved and by the time it was I had simply lost all interest due to the following.

a) While waiting I'd had more time to read the provider's frequent posts and view never before shown face and body shots which turned me off.

b) Only after screening was passed did it come to light that a certain item was off the menu which was an additional turn off.

c) She hiked her standard rate by $50 during that waiting time.

d) She publicly confessed to being an alias handle for another board provider who's former personality had been far more controversial.

e) During that wait period an associate hooked me up with a great UTR group which provides twice the bang for half the buck.

It wasn't her fault that there was a break down in communication between her and the references I provided but I dodged the bullet so to speak.

She never implied as much but she might possibly consider me a time waster to an extent because by the time she was informed I was a great guy by the golden reference I provided I was no longer interested.

In this case you might say the strict screening process cost the provider $$$ and saved me from a likely disappointing session.

I still think she is a great lady so for me no time was wasted. I am grateful for the delay in screening which saved me $$$.

I have also PM'd one or two other providers in provider ads to schedule an appt. but got crickets. In those cases I am grateful for saving me the $$$ rather than harboring any disappointment for no good reason.

Personally I feel paying hard earned big bucks just to get laid for an hour is the trait of fool. Our dicks make fools of all of us and I am no exception.

Every time a provider doesn't respond or flakes it feels like she has just saved me from making a fool of myself yet once again.
Still Looking's Avatar
Personally I feel paying hard earned big bucks just to get laid for an hour is the trait of fool. Our dicks make fools of all of us and I am no exception.

Every time a provider doesn't respond or flakes it feels like she has just saved me from making a fool of myself yet once again. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Wind if you join P411 the screening BS goes away almost 100%

But more importantly why do you do this if you feel it makes you look like a fool?
FloridaShark's Avatar
Time Wasters, negotiators, tire kickers and jerk offs. Yes they do exist. There is a small percentage of hobbyists that play games. I think most hobbyist like myself do their research and simply ask WHERE & WHEN? Originally Posted by Still Looking
I keep hearing that but what's the point? Are dudes that pathetic?

Like, for example, I've e-mailed or P4 requested for an appointment gotten no response for days, set up a deal with someone else and had the first provider get back with "are we still on?". It's like fuck no we aren't "still on". You have to answer my request in a reasonable period of time. Am I a time waster?

Maybe. Who knows how she sees it.
Whispers's Avatar
What's a time waster?

A time waster is the guy that initiates contact and provides his necessary information and is eventually told he's screened.

I reaches out on 3 different days over the course of a week to 10 days and hears nothing back from her.

Then... as he is checking in at the airport to go out of town at business her gets a message from her that she has an opening in 2 hours and she is really looking forward to seeing him.

When he lets her know he's busy for a couple of days she immediately takes offense and asks HIM why HE wasted HER time since he's obviously not really serious about seeing her.

He was OBVIOUSLY a time waster from the start.....
SL is correct, there are not many out there. But they exist. From my perspective, a gent is considered a time waster when he books my time, while contacting 2 other ladies and, as I am sitting at my incall, I get a request for a reference check for said gent, I clear him because I am not going to be mean, but I already know what's about to happen: NCNS... That's a time-waster.

Everyone else, things happen, and I've been lucky to have very considered gents in my life.
Still Looking's Avatar
I keep hearing that but what's the point? Are dudes that pathetic?

Like, for example, I've e-mailed or P4 requested for an appointment gotten no response for days, set up a deal with someone else and had the first provider get back with "are we still on?". It's like fuck no we aren't "still on". You have to answer my request in a reasonable period of time. Am I a time waster?

Maybe. Who knows how she sees it. Originally Posted by FloridaShark
Some providers just turn off their cell phones. Then when they need cash they turn it back on. Tons of PM'S go unanswered. There are girls that their PMS fill up. They just hit delete and run a new AD and start over. Then its first come first serve. The rest get ignored. Let's face it there are hobbyists that do the same thing. I have had providers respond weeks after an appointment request. I just ignore it.

Remember "your" the one with the money! They don't get back to you in a reasonable amount of time... fuck them. Plenty of professional hookers out there. Trust me they won't loose any sleep why should you?
I had one respond to p411 appointment request 1 year later.
Still Looking's Avatar
SL is correct, there are not many out there. But they exist. From my perspective, a gent is considered a time waster when he books my time, while contacting 2 other ladies and, as I am sitting at my incall, I get a request for a reference check for said gent, I clear him because I am not going to be mean, but I already know what's about to happen: NCNS... That's a time-waster.

Everyone else, things happen, and I've been lucky to have very considered gents in my life. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
And if a hobbyist does that you should post about him in the Ladies Locker Room which is NOW open to all ladies! If a hobbyist schedules a session he should show up. Scheduling with multiple providers is BULL SHIT!

Now I might send out many requests. (When I'm not picking some one from my PM'S LOL) but once I'm scheduled that's it. When I make a request the provider knows everything they need to know!


"STILL LOOKING" 291 Reviews & P411 Member


If I agree to a review I will take pictures. If pictures are NOT OK or they are an up charge I need to know before we meet.

I expect to meet you and have NO ONE else at meeting including any pets. I normally bring a gift bag I hope gifts are OK. I am never late and I expect the same from you. I will also expect to talk to you at least for just a moment on the phone before we meet.

Please verify your HOUR rate and that you are BBBJ. All I need to know is WHERE and WHEN?

You can text or call me to schedule at: (512) LIL-DICK 545-3425

Can't wait to hear back from you.


Seems pretty straight forward..... NO? Believe it or not here is the most popular response I get!


I simply try again by responding I need you to confirm your hour rate and that you are BBBJ. Then please tell me where and when? I prefer AMS.

Most popular response...

"Do you want a half hour or hour?"

Last try...I need you to confirm your hour rate and that you are BBBJ. Then please tell me where and when? I prefer AMS.

Most popular response...

"What's your schedule like?"

Ok... one more...I'm a FULL TIME MAN WHORE. I'm ready to go. I need you to confirm your hour rate and that you are BBBJ. Then please tell me where and when? I prefer AMS.

Most popular Response...

"Hour Rate is $250"

Great now I just need to know where and when?

Most popular response...

"I'm at 290 & 35 (Vagina TriangleŽ)

Great I need hotel name and address. When are you available?

Most popular response...

"What's your schedule like?"

This is where I fucking just move on. So who is the time waster? I bet some of the girls think I'm making this up. I ask WHERE & WHEN and it's taken up to 60 texts to get a session booked. Some times if I'm in the mood I screw with them. Like I'll say... "Is it OK if my mom drives me and can she stay? Not in the room but in the parking lot? Do you have SUPER MAGNUM CONDOMS with no lubricant? Can you send me a picture of your belly button? Please make sure you take a dump before I get there. I don't want any accidents when we are together. How long can you hold your breath? What kind of birth control are you using? Little SL is scared of those IUD things. Have you had your kitty checked? I want to make sure you don't have a S.U.I.T. (Something Up In there!) If something goes wrong who should I contact for you?"
^^ holy baby tebow.

No wonder you seen jaded at times.
Still Looking's Avatar
^^ holy baby tebow.

No wonder you seen jaded at times. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
I bet you wonder why I don't drink more often than I do? Imagine my batting average and the amount of time I spend just to stay scheduled! Being a full time Man Whore is not as easy as it looks!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
SL is correct, there are not many out there. But they exist. From my perspective, a gent is considered a time waster when he books my time, while contacting 2 other ladies and, as I am sitting at my incall, I get a request for a reference check for said gent, I clear him because I am not going to be mean, but I already know what's about to happen: NCNS... That's a time-waster.

Everyone else, things happen, and I've been lucky to have very considered gents in my life. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
Wow!!! That is some MKUltra level bullshit female subservience mind conditioning when you actually think that not helping a man fuck you over is being "mean".

Here's what I consider a "Timewaster". Strap the fuck in.

Unremarkable and uninteresting men I've never yet met who want me to text them sexy conversations, photos, or want me to make them feel desired for free. This is a business. I'm a business woman here and in the real world. I monetize everything.

# 1.If you're not already on a friendly basis with a provider, the best time to contact a provider is when you're serious about making an appointment very, very soon.
# 2. The second best time to contact a provider is...--fuck that shit, there is no second best time. See # 1

Cancellers. One and your done of you're not an established client who I know and trust. Unless you want to pay my cancellation fee. Which is the cost of the original time booked. I don't give people second chances to waste my time and money. My bullshit detector is on fleek kids. I know when you're lying.

Timewasters are also people who come here with chauvinistic pathologically primitive simian super-egos having per-conceived narratives about what providers and/or women should be. I might just take the time to tear those down. I might take the time to run some MKUltra level mindfucks of my own on those asses just for the fun of it.

Other providers here who think just because I share the same profession and same gendered genitalia that I owe them something. I will not divulge my business secrets because you want to buy me a cup of coffee or sent me an email. I took my lumps and if you want to know how I do what I do??? Pay a bitch otherwise you're wasting my time.

Men who email "RU Available" or "Busy?" The answer is No and Yes respectively. I'm always busy because I have a full and adventurous life filled with radness every minute of every day. Taking punches to the squish mitten is the smallest most insignificant facet of my bitchin' life. You had 5 thousand ways to approach me and this is the best you could do? Good clients understand that genuine enjoyment is the service I offer and and all the delights and pleasures you can dream of can be unlocked by you not starting off immediately by being a dumb timewasting douche.

My business is a benevolent dictatorship. I put my requirements and things I don't do right there in my profile and ads for your benefit and mine. If you do not bother to read them, or read them and do not provide what I require or worse, you don't even have it and you think you can manipulate me around it, you are a waste of time.

The jabbering cartoon weasels who need cutting out the side of their homes to be winched and craned onto flatbed truck for their midnight Taco Bell runs talking about bringing scales to appointments. I have a flamethrower mounted to my truck with your names carved into the barrel with my Bowie knife. I'm sure there are ladies who need that money so desperately they're willing to take it from hypocrites. I ain't one of 'em.

It sure is a man's world. That's why I'm obliged to be better looking, run faster, be stronger, get up earlier, make more money, be smarter, better educated, traveled, and better read, be wittier, more compelling and badder-ass, genuinely kinder and harder working than the average male just to survive independently but even more so to survive at my pampered level. Chances are I'm your superior in every single exigent metric. Self-emasculated man babies quake in their boots or want to kick you down for this. These are the real Timewasters. Other men are like "Fuck Yeah Get Yours!" Those are dudes I like.

The peasant minded hive brains talking about price manipulation and other idiocies trying to convince providers or other men here for that matter that one must capitulate to their ridiculous status quo. Here's a hint, you fucking don't. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is a timewaster. And also a bloviating chest pounding primate. Usually.

Successful providers/business women here leverage their assets and know where and who their niche market is and go after it. I have rarely had a less than awesome experience, I almost never have occasion to write anything of my own in Infoshare. That is by design. Up with fools I do not put.

The real coveted man who I am fortunate to call clients or will be proud to call clients in the future is the man sitting back laughing saying "Look at this little shit go!". Not so much for the Timewasters. Lucky for me, there many, many real great wonderful men here. Those non-timewasting men who want to see you do well and see you on your way and want to spend a little top quality time together. That super fucking awesome client??? We always seem to find each other.

For Everyone Else, There's:

You do realize the person you are addressing has 39 more reviews and a $50 more per hour rate?
Miss Valentina's Avatar
You do realize the person you are addressing has 39 more reviews and a $50 more per hour rate? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Sure. And you can you can go ahead and mansplain to me why that matters. And better than that, why I should care.