Just wanted to thank you for the votes.
Your douche-bag promised to stop evictions. And of course he lied about it. No surprise there. Is there?
Anyway, as trumpys are evicted it's likely they will forget or will intentionally not forward their addresses. No mail-in ballots for them. And typical of most Tuesdays, they'll be sleeping off their 4 day week-ends on election day.
Biden supporters will get even with the orange topped asshole who wouldn't negotiate in good faith which crashed the postal system, didn't stop evictions, and stopped stimulus money. Both to cities and states (just to fuck dem politicians and not giving a shit about the trumpys who live there) as well as the Americans regardless of their party.
They will vote come hell or high water.
More Biden voters. Fewer trumpys.
Thanks trump. You Putin's puppet piece of shit.
Like I've said before, it's not arrogance.
It's contempt for your russian president and his enablers and supporters.
Mere dupes will be allowed to earn redemption.