You Wanna Shoot Electricty Thru What?

OK, my now and then fuckbuddy was at my house the other night watching the Oscars. Domesticty had overwhelmed us so we were propped up in bed sipping wine. She has back spasms and uses a TENS unit to get temporary relief. She was finishing up with the TENS as Tom Hanks started in with the Best Picture nominees. As the Oscar ceremonies were finally ending she was pulling down the bed sheets where (gasp!) she discovered that I was playing wth my dick and had brought it up to a nie size. Her hand covered mine and we were massaging my cock when she asked if I'd like to try something 'different.'

We've done some things together, some great, others not-so-great, and I wasn't feeling like going to sleep with a hardon and an interested girlfriend so I reached over and started playing with her oh-so-sensitive nipples and said "Whaddya have in mind?" She gets this 'look' in her eyes and starts biting her lower lip as her fingernail trails up my shaft and she says "How 'bout I put this (holding a TENS pad) here?" I'm sure my jaw is dropping as she presses the pad over my corona "and" (as a second is pressed to the base of my shaft) "and see what happens?"

I do enjoy having her mouth wrapped around my dick and the now-and-then encounter with her finger up my (...shudder....never mind!) but the thought of electricity thru my favorite body part conjures up images of someone being strapped into the electric chair! "Relax" she offers up "you'll LOVE it!" Now I'm thinking (a) how would she know I'll love it unless she's done this to other guys; or (b) she's done this to herself, in which case I'd prefer she slap the electrode over her clit and wherever else the damned pad goes and flip the ON switch!

I flashed my best "you're really scaring the shit outta me and my now turtle-like dick" grin and slowly peel the electrodes off, all the time feeling as if I'm making a BIG mistake (she's sharing a part of her she's likely guarded for a long time and now you're REJECTNG her efforts!) and ask her if it would be 'OK' if I play around with the TENS a bit....alone...and see if it's a sensation I appreciate before we go any further? (Brilliant! I'm thinking. I'm not REJECTING her advance or sexual suggestion. Instead, I'm simply asking her to slow down a bit since electricity surging thru my dick is a somewhat new concept for me since I'm not Frankenstein with a hardon). She shrugs and says "Ok!" and hands me the TENS. "Lemme know when I can make you cum with that."

Hmmmmm.."make me cum." OK, there's suddenly a hot, blonde female Nazi (Annie Lenox in her prime) in my head twirling a dial as bolts of lightning flash and the hum of electricity fills the room as I scream and my poor turtle-like dick is electrocuted (guess I shouldn't have had all those impure thoughts about the women the that passed me by over the years. Bending them over park benches and fire hydrants to ravage their hot squaling bodies must've been a baaaaad thing, huh?).

Weird part is I slapped tose electrodes on last night and flipped the switch. Hurt like HELL! No fountains of cum or a newfound appeciation for summary dick electrocution. I do want to fuck her sometime this week and I know the TENS unti is going to come up for discussion. My inclination is to let her slap the pads on and have a go at i. If she's successful I'll be the first my appreciation. If not, she'll think I'm a good sport and perhaps let me hump her rump!

Gentemen, have any of you had any time in the TENS saddle?
Ladies, is this something you've done for a gentleman?
Take it for a test drive, she will definitely appreciate that you were not Skurred...

And, as long as she is careful, it is good fun....

That's all I'm sayin....
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
...That's all I'm sayin.... Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
Your silence is golden!!!
Suite270's Avatar
I have a TENS unit for the occassional muscle spasm in the back... But it is a nerve stimulator via small amounts of electricity that contract the muscle (nerves tell the muscle to contract). Regardless, is there enough "muscle" tissue in the johnson to contract?? I know it's gorged with blood when you are ready to do the deed, but does it really offer muscle contractions?

I personally don't want to try myself, but still curious as to the end result. Post up your experience; some of us want to know!
I had the pleasure of having a little TENS fun with a gentlemen just the other day and I must admit... It was not only an orgasmic experience for him, but the sight of his johnson convulsing and spasming, his reactions to my turns of the dial, & my lips on his *ahem*.... Mmmm just made my pussy wet.

Personally, Im very into the kinky play so a TENS Unit is right up my ally. I havent had the pleasure of experiencing it for myself...but I have experienced the violet wand... and to be honest, its a panty soaker. lol

***Dont be scared fellas... Pain brings an immense amount of pleasure***
PPE knows what I'm talking about!
pyramider's Avatar
At least your wife was not interested in tazer fun.
TheWanderer's Avatar
From everything I've read, you have to build up your tolerance a little and then it must just be out of this world. I've seen a video where a guy gushered like Mt St Helen when he came.
But I have experienced one of those units on my upper back and it does seem a little high voltage for my dick.

Possible can never cum again without 20 amps running through you......the upside is that electricity is everywhere.
Imagine That's Avatar
I have a small TENS unit and I have used it when I am in a kinky horny mood. It is a slow process with a very hard intense orgasm. It does take some practice to get use to it, but once you do it's an orgasm you will feel for a while. I have also had women use it and they say their orgasms are "out of this world". Don't knock it, unless you have tried it. It is called, "Electro Stimulation". MODS, if this link is not allowed, please remove.

Imagine That
TinMan's Avatar
She can stick electrodes on my dick the day she lets me fuck her with a cactus.
Euphemia's Avatar
It is a slow process with a very hard intense orgasm. It does take some practice to get use to it, but once you do it's an orgasm you will feel for a while.... Don't knock it, unless you have tried it. It is called, "Electro Stimulation" Originally Posted by Imagine That

I would let the lady know to take it slow with you that first time, and for sure let her know that if you say stop, you mean stop if you are not enjoying it...with this out of the way, leave the inhibitions at the bathroom door and have fun
GneissGuy's Avatar
Is this going to lead to a new phrase "Please taze me ho."?
Tried it this weekend. Took 4 times before the electrode pads did what they were supposed to do when used...that way. Didn't cum from the TENS stimulation but she got so excited watching my reaction (she was playing with herself the entire time!) AND the fact that I trusted her with the controls that she rewarded my trust with a big, sloppy, moaning, clitty-massaging blowjob that went right down her throat with no protest at all!
What to say but - Bravo!
Have had it done by two ladies. I love it. Bring it on.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
hmmmm...possible new investment