The Raffle / Door Prizes

Whispers's Avatar
An hour of Reya Sunshine' s time was won by AustinKboy

Two hours of Just Jane's time was won by Spacemtn

Lunch and An hour of Madysen Rae''s time was won by Ztonk

An hour of Just Jane and Austintatious Lilly's time was won by RunswithScissors

An hour of MissyItIs's time following Dinner. was won by Sidewinder

A Half hour of Luz Marie' s time was won by Grecco

A Half hour of Luz Marie' s time was won by JammerATX

Two Hours incl Lunch or Dinnerwith CHASeINGbad was won by RunswithScissors

An hour of AvaDoll25's time was won by HobbyRover

Two hours of Vikki Lynn's time was won by HobbyRover

An hour of LeslieLane1's time was won by Squiretuck

75 Minutes of Scarlett Rossi time was won by TheGoodJames

An hour of Aphrodite time was won by Squiretuck

A Guided Tour of Austin's Premier Gentlemen's Clubs was won by Jimmers

A1 Year Perfect 10 Membership was won by Cowboyfan

Invites will go out shortly to the top 10 making donations. the ladies that volunteered their time and the Gentlemen that won the prizes.

It was a blast. Thank-you all. More later!
NipLover's Avatar
I see some damn lucky bastards on that list!
Reincarnated's Avatar
Thanks Whispers. I hope all of our donations go to needy kids and families again this year. I know they appreciate the time you take to give back to the local community!
Whispers's Avatar
I left off one winner earlier..... We did have the attendance necessary to give away an additional VIP card as in most other events. That was won by Rogue Gent....

Our Anonymous Donors, Kaiser, RunswithScissors. SuaveApe, Cowboyfan, HobbyRover, Ztonk, Rattlesnakebyte,Gentleman, Grecco, TheGoodJames, Spacemtn, Sidewinder, Roguegent, Squiretuck AustinKboy, Reya Sunshine, Lilly, JustJane, Madysen Rae. Missy, CHASeINGbad, Luz Marie, AvaDoll25, Victoria Lynn, Leslie Lane, Scarlett Rossi and Aphrodite are all invited to the Appreciation Party this Saturday Evening to begin around 8PM and run til ????

To answer a couple of questions as to how the drawing occurred.

A lady was selected as she checked in to kick it off and a couple of witnesses watched the draw of a ticket from a bucket of several hundred tickets. The Ticker was shown to the witnesses and myself and person who's ticket was drawn was summoned. That person then selected one of the many blank/sealed envelopes at random and opened it to identify his prize. He then in turn, selected a new lady to draw the next ticket and this was repeated until complete. If someone was NOT present then the lady that drew his ticket also drew from the sealed prize envelopes.

There were three Donors to event that had a large number of tickets in the bucket. Each of them had made the decision to forego "winning" and re-gift their Prize. This occurred 5 times, at least once for each of them. Five Prizewinners today "won" as a result of the generosity of these three gentlemen NOT ONLY to the fundraiser but to their fellow hobbyists as well. At the Appreciation Party I will be sure to let you know who you need to Thank!

Although a few Gentlemen really stepped forward to help the intended recipients, one of the lady donors really needs to be recognized.

Austintatious Lilly Donated her time for one lucky guy to win. Then she went to the trouble of actually shopping for some of the items needed when the easier thing to do would have been to give a gift card. Finally, in a drawing, HER name was drawn. We do not allow the ladies participating in the drawings to win the other ladies (yeah.. I know... Boo Hiss) so her prize was "regifted" and SquireTuck was one luck guy to win some time with Leslie Lane 1!

I like seeing people win! I was extremely happy seeing two guys reap a reward today. RunswithScissors has been a supporter of this since the first day. For those of you that are privileged to know this man and his story we are so very lucky to enjoy his support and participation. It has not been simply about the money with him. It is the competitiveness in him that has goaded others into contributing.

The other guy is TheGoodJames. I only met him last year and was surprised to have him step up and offer to help with the actual legwork that goes into this event. He donated time. His Truck. His Gas. And a lot of good will actually making the rounds helping with drop offs last year. He has stepped up again this year to do the same. I

I want to thank all the Gentlemen and Ladies that participated and I hope to see you all the Appreciation/After Party on Saturday. The location, food and drinks are made possible by 3 very good friends that like to help out in their own special ways.

With the Donations collected so far and the Pledges still to come in (If they step up as promised) we WILL exceed last years numbers!

Only 4 winners came from the Top 10 Donors. 7 of the winners donated less than the cost of an avg session! Two of them as little as $50
An hour of Reya Sunshine' s time was won by AustinKboy

Two hours of Just Jane's time was won by Spacemtn

Lunch and An hour of Madysen Rae''s time was won by Ztonk

An hour of Just Jane and Austintatious Lilly's time was won by RunswithScissors

An hour of MissyItIs's time following Dinner. was won by Sidewinder

A Half hour of Luz Marie' s time was won by Grecco

A Half hour of Luz Marie' s time was won by JammerATX

Two Hours incl Lunch or Dinnerwith CHASeINGbad was won by RunswithScissors

An hour of AvaDoll25's time was won by HobbyRover

Two hours of Vikki Lynn's time was won by HobbyRover

An hour of LeslieLane1's time was won by Squiretuck

75 Minutes of Scarlett Rossi time was won by TheGoodJames

An hour of Aphrodite time was won by Squiretuck

A Guided Tour of Austin's Premier Gentlemen's Clubs was won by Jimmers

A1 Year Perfect 10 Membership was won by Cowboyfan

Invites will go out shortly to the top 10 making donations. the ladies that volunteered their time and the Gentlemen that won the prizes.

It was a blast. Thank-you all. More later! Originally Posted by Whispers
Thanks Whispers. I hope all of our donations go to needy kids and families again this year. I know they appreciate the time you take to give back to the local community! Originally Posted by Reincarnated
Woo Hoo and Congratulations to all you guys... Ladies Thanks for your generosity and participation in Whispers Christmas giving.
Thanks for the party W, Z , and K ! Hope the needs were met .

P.S. The green suit was still better , than a kick in the nuts !
Well thanks to the organizers, and donors. I guess I must have left before the drawing. It was a nice time, thanks guys!

squiretuck's Avatar
Big thanks, Whispers for the party! I am always impressed by the goodness it shows in the people go our community!
To Whispers, Ztonk, Kboy and the others that help pull this event together a very big thank you. To all the donors, thank you as well for helping support the kids and their families.
jimmyBJ's Avatar
Great time at the party. Great to meet everyone. Congrats on all the success. Congrats to the raffle winners. Enjoy!
Awesome.. I missed it again! I am glad the donation went to a good cause. I am gonna go to p10 tomorrow and look for my consolation prize!!
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 12-13-2012, 03:27 PM
It's all fun at the party and thanks to those who worked so hard pulling it together- the great joy is to see the kids and young mom's whose needs are real and far greater than our wants. And at the party the "wants" are quite impressive. Whispers has attended countless nights for pickups all over town- no I mean gift card pickups- so he deserves our gratitude for giving unselfishly of his time and effort. And, as always, thanks to the ladies who donate time to motivate the giving.
Tatonka's Avatar
Thanks to Whispers, Ztonk, AKB, the ladies who donated their time and anyone else who helped organize the luncheon.
I had fun and got to see a couple of friends there, too bad I had to head back to work.

Congratulations to all the winners.
That was a very pleasant surprise.

Unfortunately, I'm working an out-of-town gig, and won't be able to make it into town for this weekend.

I'm flying in on the 23rd, flying out on the 1st. Hopefully, we can schedule something in there somewhere.
Hey there! I'm in Miami and couldn't make the party. So sorry! Congrats to the winners and also wanted to thank my clients that anonymously donated to the cause! I even gave myself! Even if we didn't win we contributed. I appreciate the opportunity!!!