White smoke from the chimney, we have a new Ebola Czar!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It has been announced that we have a new savior. He was created fully clothed by Obama. His name is Ron Klain. He has extensive medical.....what? He didn't? He hasn't? He doesn't? Okay, he has never set foot inside a medical classroom but he has extensive experience with helping people.....You're kidding! That Klain? Oops! As I was saying Klain is a lawyer and a partisan democratic hack who has done nothing except defend democratic interests. Remember the election of 2000? That was Klain. Klain is also Joe Biden's (the one with the druggie son and daughter) Chief of Staff.

So all hail the new Ebola Czar!

Stop! That's not Klain. That's Oscar nominee Kevin Spacey. He looks way too intelligent. Let me see...

There you go. Now that looks like an Obama Czar.
Who was it asking Obie to appoint a Ebola Czar?
Habemus Czarum!
Do we really need an Ebola Czar?

rioseco's Avatar
Do we really need an Ebola Czar?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Excellent point.
Just more political fluff. Another czar from Odoofus is like the 37th titt on a boar hog.
The last titt is just as useless as the 1st one !
Klain is just a Democratic enforcer. Heaven forbid we should have a significant outbreak here.
1. No we don't need an Ebola Czar. We have this guy called the head of the CDC already.

2. If there was even the slightest doubt that appointing a "czar" was anything but political theater, the fact that Obama appointed a bureaucrat rather than someone with a medical background removes any doubt. How in the hell is a political hack going to have any clue about how to handle an epidemic??
LexusLover's Avatar
How in the hell is a political hack going to have any clue about how to handle an epidemic?? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
He can't even "handle" a decent lap dance!!!

He can't even "handle" a decent lap dance!!!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
You really have a Biden fetish lexie lacking. That is sick...
1. No we don't need an Ebola Czar. We have this guy called the head of the CDC already.

2. If there was even the slightest doubt that appointing a "czar" was anything but political theater, the fact that Obama appointed a bureaucrat rather than someone with a medical background removes any doubt. How in the hell is a political hack going to have any clue about how to handle an epidemic?? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Exactly right.

It's clear that the White House views this more as a political crisis that just happens to involve the Ebola virus than as a potentially serious public health concern.