Help Needed - lawyer or law advice please

Looking for someone to help me out with some advice on a situation I have...
TexTushHog's Avatar
We need to know 1) what kind of legal problem; and 2) what county it's likely to be in.

Your other option is to ask in the Legal Forum.
GingerKatt's Avatar
Can you describe your situation ?
My sister is a lawyer and I'm a law school dropout.
And I believe most lawyers will offer you a free consultation.
It won't hurt to call a few and ask.
I have been on the site SA. In the summer I met a woman and we have talked off and on since that time. We have slowly stopped talking to one another. She had a friend posing to be an intersted party on the website. So I was talking to this new woman on the site...I started to have a weird feeling about her online and told her I wasn't intersted.

That is when the new girl informed me she was the other girls friend. She took screenshots of my online pics she also took pic of our convo. She told me I was going to pay for what I did...she demanded 6,000 by the end of the week or she would email my job and my wife...then she comes back and demands 8,000 or else....

The other friend lives in another state and I live in Texas not sure how to handle the situation.
Goose2u's Avatar
I'm no lawyer but he might want to remind her that extortion is imprisonable offense
whatzup's Avatar
Man up..there not gonna do squat..stop being such a pussy.
Please supply the handles of these women on SA. There are others here who utilize that site. Or PM e please....m
TexTushHog's Avatar
Ignore her. If she persists, call a board certified criminal lawyer and ask for his assistance in reporting her to the police. She is attempting extortion. If you are married, you might want to consult a good family lawyer before you report her.
dallasfan's Avatar
If you give her the money they will contnue to come back after you for more money.

You should have taken screenshots of the extortion attempt and do what goose said.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Marriage is dull and you simply looked for a spark.
You flirted. Talked dirty. Explored a fantasy.
You never met her. You only visited online. Hell you don't know if it's really the girl that sent you photos. Prepare you story for wife for worst case scenario.
Hire a girl to pose as wife and Skype that bitch. Laughing at her with your borrowed wife.
Tell her if she don't come up with 6,000 she can go ahead a get a defense atty.
GingerKatt's Avatar
I don't see where you did anythink wrong, unless you're leaving something out. So you talked to a couple of girls. No money changed hands did it? Did you ever sleep with either girl? Did you make promises to help them out.someway? Are they over 18?
If not, you have broken no laws. They are con artists. Call their bluff. Disable your account, block their numbers. If they say or do anything again serve them with a TRO, and file a stalking charge against themm