Is this girl high...

JPran2011's Avatar
...or just stupid? WTF?

Talk to text does not translate Yinzer very well.

She is asking fr a vouch and can not return the vouch as she is still yellow. I think
JPran2011's Avatar
Lol, I guess you're right.
I've seen her in the past -its been quite a while now. She has been in the hobby for a long time. Was very cute with a great body, then she gained a lot of weight. She may have lost the extra pounds by now. Asks for a premium donation, but always gave a good time when I saw her. Has a great wardrobe of lingerie which she loves to wear. Hmm! I may be talking myself into seeing her again
Who is she?
i believe it is Angel MDP from TOS
Thank you!
Yes, that's right. Its Angel (she's had a number of names over the years)
blkstocking's Avatar
Yes, that's right. Its Angel (she's had a number of names over the years) Originally Posted by Don Stephens
Haven't they all...
Haven't they all... Originally Posted by blkstocking
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
zip2121's Avatar
"Is this girl high...?"

Hey Jinny, I like the way you think. Maybe we could meet up sometime?