A Provider that wants you to send a Picture of your face

Today I had an interesting one with a lady in the Albany area..I am in the middle of moving their so I had a little time today ...Beside hearing she does not like people in a Hurry.She wanted me to send her a picture of my face.This lady has no pictures of her face on any of her adds on sites she posts on..Some input here, A I wrong ..is this the new norm.I know with my job I could have some issues with this.Would any of you do it..Lastly she got mad when I asked her can I send a picture of my Dog...some help here.....
Of course not. No good can come of giving her a pic, and a lot of bad. Could be part of identity theft or other scam, way to blackmail you, etc etc. Only possible legit use I can think of is for outcall "protection",
and even that is dubious. It is a fairly rare request, just move on. Wouldn't hurt if you could post ad link so others know who this is
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If anyone wants to know who it is feel free to PM me..
If they ask for a pic you move on bro. You've been around long enough to know that. Next.
Been away for a while...so you know man things could change...
I send 'em a picture of OCD... and then they are always happy when they meet me and remark how much better I look in person....