I see a lot of posts about guys not liking wigs on women
Well OBVIOUSLY I wear all kinds I like the instantaneous looks and the neatness of them now I have long hair as well the thing is it’s combination and
Aggravating to deal with on a daily basis. Plus I do all kinds of treatments to make it even stronger. I just want some of you gents to know some women wear wigs Cause they are convenient and plus I love to play with my looks! My beauty clock will stop sometime,I might as well enjoy the options while I can lol. I would love to know why some of you feel the way you do! Let’s argue Rlmfaooooo
Not gonna argue understand completely. It just that sometimes the wigs look like they came from bargain bin at Wal-Mart. Sort of like when guy has comically bad toupee
IMO it is not a wig that is the problem, a bad wig is. The only discussion I have seen is the blonde with a poor wig, and that is a problem. As long as the wig is not distracting to the date, and is not covering up a medical problem, which I would not like to be involved with, I am OK with you wearing it.
Even the BEST wig, still looks like the best wig!!
Nice wigs can look great. Bad wigs are terrible, not sexy, and a huge turn off.
I appreciate everyone’s opinion and I honestly
Agree! If it looks bad toss that shit Rlmfaooooo!!!!!!!!
Looking at this board this morning had me
Cracking up!!!! Good morning everyone and have a good day and don’t WIG OUT ON ANYONE RLMFAOOOOO
Wigs are nothing. Start a thread on real versus fake boobs....