TAKE NOTICE - Hobbyist Creedo

TheDogger's Avatar
Sorry for the second posting of this...poll didn't take:
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I feel so strongly on this issue and the discussion so interesting, I thought to bring it to our comrades here in Austin.

So...take the Poll, take a stand for yourself and for the hobby.

This poll will be posted in National, Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio so watch the race.....

Here is a link and verbiage of the Houston Poll.

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I've been nothing but appalled over much of what is going on in the Houston CoEd and Men's Lounge i.e. MonkeyPaw.

I think we gentlemen hobbyists need to take a stand and be counted. Therefore I propose those of us hobbyists (who see this thread of course) be accounted for agreeing with this simple credo:

"I will respect women of all ages and in every circumstance."

Those that can agree to this, say so and be noticed.

Those that don't, well...we won't see you here.

Those that do sign and know you're only doing it to either get off the DNS or clear your conscience/image/reputation here in this community....don't bother we all know who you are. Ain't no secrets in this world of ours.
Budman's Avatar
Let me get this straight. You respect everyone regardless of what they have done or are currently doing? IMO people need to earn our respect regardless of gender. This seems like a bullshit pole made to make you look like this great guy. I haven't check the Houston thread yet but I have no respect for you.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-21-2010, 11:05 AM
All women of all ages in every circumstance?

Like a woman that abuses her children? In that circumstance? Or a woman that kills her children like Susan Smith? Or a woman that deals in human trafficking for sex of other women?

How about respecting and caring for and not exploiting any person (man, woman or child) that is downtrodden, physically or mentally ill, abused, disabled, oppressed or impoverished?

What you're promoting, my fellow feline avatar adherent, is a rather simplistic, banal, emotional plea better reserved for student government campaigns and parodies of 19th Century populist rabble-rousing. William Jennings Bryan would be flattered and proud.
I will respect women of all ages and in every circumstance.
I hate to say it, but I don't really know what that means. I have a vague understanding of what it means to 'respect' someone, but I couldn't spell it out in terms that someone else could understand it.
Whispers's Avatar
Those that don't, well...we won't see you here.
Originally Posted by TheDogger
Well... Some of us won't be going anywhere...... Better wusses then you have tried this stunt numerous times over the years..... Take your pats on the back and then go find some other ass to kiss because nothing will change....

Women that know me know I am a complete and total Gentleman and give a lady the utmost respect.

I respect everyone, male or female, until given a reason not to.

And maybe you are too altruistic or some kind of asskisser to not be able to look around and realize there are a few ladies that have taken that for granted and ended up losing the respect of many guys in these communities.....

This board is about the exchange of information regaring certain activities across a wide range of playgrounds. The most common way women tend to lose respect is when they try to unduly influence men's opinions or attack them for having an opinion.

It is possible to disagree with someone and still respect them.

But then..... there are others.....
nuglet's Avatar
Well said Whispers. What's with the rash of WKs and PW mongers lately? Like everyone is afraid not to be politically correct... SCREW THAT! Be right, do right, and don't put up with BS. Geeze what a bunch!!
austinkboy's Avatar
yeah, I call BS on this one too. Respect needs to be earned, and cuts both directions. I won't see/repeat with anyone that I don't respect, and I sincerely hope the lady will not see me if they don't think I am someone that they can respect. The blanket statement is BS.
That doesn't mean that I don't hold people in respect, quite to the contrary. But I am choosy, and hope the ladies are too.
TheDogger's Avatar
Its fascinating to see how Houston's poll is doing against National, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio. I've posted this poll in all and clearly Houston's perspective is telling.

This poll is to say...

As a hobbyist, I will respect women. Period.

She may be a monster but are you not going to pull her out of the way of truck if you're at the scene?

As a fellow poster Tony Patella said in response:


That credo should cover interaction with all human beings. And it's sad it even needs to be stated.

Mutual respect, in my book, is a given UNTIL an individual proves they are not worthy. Then, lack of respect is NOT an option. Walking the other way, while standing tall, IS THE ONLY option....

Thanks for once again expressing what many of us have said before....but some folks just don't get it!"

I couldn't agree more. It is a core value. You have it or you don't.

I've hesitated in wading in here so everyone can define it for themselves but...I just couldn't help it. So, feel free to define it on your own if you wish and vote your conscience.
this is dumb...
I have a great deal of respect for many of the ladies I see here. I do my homework before meeting someone. Maybe too much so. But it pays off, and most of my regular sessions have been with ladies that actually deserve the respect.

There have been women, as well as men, in my life that do NOT deserve my respect. They may have had it at one time, and committed a single act that caused them to loose it, or it may have happened over time.

I feel your statement is far too broad, not to mention has a judgemental tone to it, as if you have an all seeing eye on every situation here.

Perhaps you should revisit your little poll and rework the question a bit.
This seems like a bullshit pole made to make you look like this great guy. Originally Posted by Budman
My pole makes me look like a great guy.

austinkboy's Avatar
dogger, universal respect for life is something different than respect for an individual. Universal truths are dangerous in that it doesn't demand accountability and therefore responsibility. Respect is not a right that can be demanded, it's a privilege that needs to be earned by ones actions.
rCoder's Avatar
A gentleman treats each woman as a lady...
A gentleman ignores bitches...
dogger, universal respect for life is something different than respect for an individual. Universal truths are dangerous in that it doesn't demand accountability and therefore responsibility. Respect is not a right that can be demanded, it's a privilege that needs to be earned by ones actions. Originally Posted by austinkboy
Very eloquently stated AKB. Thx.

A gentleman treats each woman as a lady...
A gentleman ignores bitches... Originally Posted by rCoder
... and yes.
vtxghost's Avatar
I can't roll with this one. And let me put my short philosophy out there:
Common courtesy should always be extended and expected.
Respect is earned, not given.
Don't confuse my act of common courtesy with respect.
Most of the people who have earned respect rarely have to demand it.
Earned respect is recognized.
People who demand respect usually have not done anything to earn it.
Assholes respect nothing.