Here comes Christmas...... What has been your best Christmas Experience related to the hobby?... or what are you hoping to experience still that Santa ATF could make happen for you?

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For me it was an ATF from Dallas that I had seen countless times that was at a community Christmas Party in Houston one night..... We mingled a bit during the party but but she was with someone else as was I and we didn't talk much.....

Without talking about it.... planning it in any way..... we somehow knew that before the night was over it would find us together....

As many strip clubs as Houston offers she managed to track me down after I left the party. She called from the lobby to tell me to get whatever little girl was on my lap off of it and come get her into the club.......

One thing led to another and she took me home with her for the night..... The first of many overnights and her gift to me as a valued client.....

I woke up next to her.... and later went to work, met her for lunch and after work returned to the hotel for a few more hours with her......

It has been a lot of years since I enjoyed her company but I've never forgotten the experiences knowing her brought me or her generosity towards me that Christmas.....

There have been others that have shown me over the years that as a Client, I mattered..... But this lady has always stood out.....
Hmmm, my Christmas wish this year would be to have 2 providers come to my place for my first 3some in the hobby. Might have to treat myself this year

Either that, or my first taste of chocolate ...
hoping it happens this to cum...