
EastBayRay's Avatar
Been gone for a while but not dead.

I don't know what's going on lately. I visit here often and see quite a few ladies that I'd like to visit, then I lack the motivation to actually do something about it.
It has nothing to do with the ladies posting history or availability or talent. It's almost like I can't be bothered. Then the next day I think, yeah I'll do it tonight, then the next day I think, yeah I'll do it tonight ad infinitum.

Maybe I'm just lazy? Maybe I'm just stuck in my routines? I'm not sure what it is.
Does this happen to anybody else and if so how do you get past it? Maybe it's time for the little blue pill?

Any input from male or female will do.

Oh well, whatever it is, I'm sure this too will pass.

Danger Mouse's Avatar
Should've had you come out and join us at P10 tonight!
harkontume's Avatar
see a doctor
I understand exactly what you are going through Ray Ray, I find myself doing the same thing but for different occasions, like I was invited to a few friends for Thanksgiving I turned them all down, I did not feel like being around a bunch of people...

I ate alone then went to Kosher Cowboys to watch some games.

I also debate on seeing Providers, then I change my mind and opt for the tv or a run in the park
you may be suffering from low T....
you may be suffering from low T.... Originally Posted by American_Caesar
for me its Low C or 'low cash'
EastBayRay's Avatar
I'm not one that usually listens to the latest marketing campaigns by drug companies, but in this case Low T did cross my mind.

Ralphey described my situation exactly. I get invited to a lot of different things and only go to one or two.

Maybe I should take up running.

Next time you guys get together to go to P10 on a weekend, pm me, I'd like to see if I could be 2 for 2 inside there, weeknights usually don't work for me.
Budman's Avatar
I go thru this same shit. Sometimes it just seems like it is more work than it's worth with the screening process, drive time, ect. Other times I browse the ads and can't find anyone that truly peeks my interest. I eventually give in but it may be a few weeks. I just chalk it up to money saved.
nuglet's Avatar
Hey Budman;
I shoulda dragged you to Big Bend with me. It was great. 6 days, NO TRAFFIC, just the wind and clouds.. screw thanksgiving!!!!
rrrabbit's Avatar
Pills, Low T ? WTF ????

The OP does not state that it's hard for him to even get out of bed some days. He merely states that he feels "blah" about setting up an appt w/ a provider.

I have been feeling the same lately. As a result, I have decided to take a short break from hobbing, and put my time and energy into some of my other interests instead.

I believe others also chimed and and confirmed that they feel/have felt the same.

I can certainly say that, for me, what you posted, is normal.

I don't think there is anything wrong with how you are feeling, and I don't think that you need T, pills or a shrink. That's just my 2 cents.

However, if there is more to the story than what you originally posted, do share... I'm sure the good folks in here will chime in and offer assistance.
I go thru this same shit. Sometimes it just seems like it is more work than it's worth with the screening process, drive time, ect. Other times I browse the ads and can't find anyone that truly peeks my interest. I eventually give in but it may be a few weeks. I just chalk it up to money saved. Originally Posted by Budman
Yeah, sometimes I'll go six months or longer without hobbying, or even coming to ASPD (now Eccie).
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
It's mostly apathy.

Then again, T might help with drive to find someone to bang.

I go through this sometimes, and if I didn't have pussy delivered to my house on schedule, there would be weeks I'd go celibate.
And all this time I thought is was just me that felt this way. I only see one or two regulars now and not very often. I thoroughly enjoy my time with them but the desire to see someone new just isn't there at the moment and may never be. I think it's healthy to tone down on the hobby every once in a while or back away all together.
Amrita Lover's Avatar
Well, maybe its all the turkey we ate!
EastBayRay's Avatar
I know it's not the turkey I ate. Maybe all the pepperoni pizzas and hamburgers though!

Maybe it is just a phase or apathy. It's definitely not something to see a shrink about.

I think what could happen is when I do see a provider again the floodgates will open and I'll be at it again.

Eh, who knows? Just glad to see I'm not the only one that gets this way.