where is everyone...

just wondering where abby, vicky, crazy and all of the other reds are at? and rosa also...i’m only seeing reviews for ladies i haven’t seen and i’m going to be in town next week.
thanks for any info
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Some of them are gone.
oceanpalace's Avatar
Most are away for the upcoming Korean/Chinese/Lunar New Year - this year it falls on January 25th. This is the most important holiday on the Asian calendar and traditionally when all return to family for celebrations.
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
Most are away for the upcoming Korean/Chinese/Lunar New Year - this year it falls on January 25th. This is the most important holiday on the Asian calendar and traditionally when all return to family for celebrations. Originally Posted by oceanpalace
Thanks for sharing that tidbit of info.

If you were looking for “Crazy” Star, she is at Nagoya.
  • JDSC
  • 01-14-2020, 03:01 AM
shit i’m looking for Judy from Pure/Cindy from East Blue Lotus!