Considering Writing a Novel - Non Fiction - Here's my story - Chapter 1

BrittneyGolden's Avatar
Considering Writing a Novel - Non Fiction - Here is my story - Chapter 1

I did not start in the hobby willingly. I was about 16 years old when I was introduced to "the life". An average looking white girl in the "hood" is where it all started for me. I was a head strong teen that didn't get along with her parents and ran away from the little country town I grew up in. My parents didn't care if I came home or not, one less problem on their hands. Anyhow, here I am on the north side of Houston, drinking Tanqueray playing cards with a few guys under a shade tree, one of which is supposed to be my boyfriend. {I will not mention any names, but my "boyfriend" is substantially older than me and still living with his mother. Being a teen runaway, I am basically homeless, but I "stay" with him (at his mother's house of course)}

As the card game ends and the group begins to dissipate, my boyfriend informs me that his mother has found out that I am sleeping in her house and it has to end now. He tells me that I have to go stay with one of his "homeboys". So I put all my few clothes in a bag and get in this nice Lexus with his "homeboy". I go home with him and he sets me up in a small room upstairs in his big house. I am introduced to his “main girl”; I will call her “Candy”. Candy is real sweet and accommodating upon introduction, but soon gets down to business and lets me know that I will not be living in this house for free. I’m thinking to myself, what in the hell does she mean? Well, it doesn’t take long for her to tell me how I am going to earn my keep. She tells me about this club where a thick white girl like me would bring in some good money. I have an idea of what is going on, but in my drunken daze, none of this really seems real to me.

Candy takes me to the master suite of the house and starts pulling all these different outfits out of the closet, fitting me in some crazy spiked glass looking heels, and dolling me all up, all the while telling me that I’m going to be perfect for this. I’m still slightly confused and not really getting the gist of what’s going on. I don’t have the slightest idea of how to be a waitress, I’ve never had a job, let alone walked in six inch heels. This is a lot for me to take in. With all that has been going on, I haven't had any time to call my boyfriend and ask him what the hell is going on. I ask if I can use the phone to call him and the answer is “no, you can talk to him tomorrow when he comes over, have another drink, you will be fine”. I don’t get it, what do you mean I can talk to him tomorrow? I’ll just go to the pay phone and call him where is the store at? “You aren't going anywhere” Candy tells me. “You have to finish getting ready for work.” But wait a minute, I don’t have to go to work, I’m a free woman, I can do what I want. (So I thought).
BrittneyGolden's Avatar
I was inspired to create this by this thread:Be HONEST why do you log on to ECCIE.

It made me stop and reflect on how I got into the hobby and all of the ups and downs, good things and bad things that have happened to me throughout the years of living the hobby lifestyle. Even though I have left the hobby, I still like to log in and see what is going on in the life that I left behind. Does that make sense?

I am considering writing a novel about my life experiences. A biography perhaps, but I would have to keep my identity anonymous of course.

Any thoughts?
Gbusey's Avatar
When I read "golden" I presume blonde, which you're not....why have you posted this threAD?
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Well, if non-fiction as you say, this is a very sad beginning.

I went to look at your profile because Gbusey stated you weren't blonde and I was then curious. Your showcase states you are a caucasian BBW, however, after following the link to your website we find a small AA girl. Then, it states in your signature line that you are no longer active, so I'm wondering what that story is? It's looking to me like the tables have turned and you are now pimping out young girls, I hope I'm wrong about that. :/
pyramider's Avatar
That comes up in Chapter 14.
Wakeup's Avatar
Why the fuck are all these stupid whores writing tell all books about the hobby all of a sudden...dumb as a bag of hammers...
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Especially if they're going to call it a non-fiction.
BrittneyGolden's Avatar
To Lexieinhouston:

No, I am not pimping out young girls. Far from that. I actually should have taken those photos down and closed all of my sites as I no longer advertise my services or services of others. In my final days of service, I had a few lady friends who were looking for an introduction to the lifestyle that I lived. I opened a few doors for those ladies and let them take reign of their own future in the business. I have since lost contact with those women and have no idea of what is going on in their lives.

As for the story, yes it is quite sad, but the ending is not so much. When I was browsing the forums and came across the thread asking for an honest answer about why we log in, it stirred something in me. Why do I log in, why cant I let the past go? What is it that keeps me coming back just to see what's going on in the life that I left behind. Maybe I am seeking closure on the person that I once was. I am progressing quite well outside of the hobby, I have a good job that I actually like and can see a future with. I am independent, i.e. I pay my own bills, own my car, and rely on absolutely no one but myself and I am doing just fine. I still see a few clients from time to time that I have met along the way, but only when they call me. Maybe I am just reaching out for a reality check? I'll tell you it's easy to put these words in this forum for thousands of strangers to read.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I'm glad you cleared that up. Much success going forward Brittany.
BrittneyGolden's Avatar
I'm glad you cleared that up. Much success going forward Brittany. Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
I hope chapter 2 tells the tale of how you got to work and called the cops on their asses.
surcher's Avatar
To Lexieinhouston:

No, I am not pimping out young girls. Far from that. I actually should have taken those photos down and closed all of my sites as I no longer advertise my services or services of others. In my final days of service...

What is it that keeps me coming back just to see what's going on in the life that I left behind.

I still see a few clients from time to time that I have met along the way, but only when they call me. Originally Posted by BrittneyGolden
You keep coming back cause you never really left. It wasn't just a part of your life, it was your life, so much so you even helped others get into it. I'm sorry how it began for you, but if you're going to write an honest autobiography, you have to first begin being honest with yourself. How long have you been in the business?