Stay clear it’s a set up

Nice apartment in watervliet. I go upstairs door cracks open Bad mojo in the air. I push in on the door pretty hard 2 big black guys pop out yelling and threatening me for my cash. Popped the first guy coming through in the nose as hard as I could pulled the door shut got down the stairs locked the knob lock on my way out gave myself a split second to make an escape on foot before they both came out. Lucky I parked in a business around the corner waited fifteen minutes got in the car and left. Scary shit first time I
Had to deal with a situation like that in years over 15 years. Stay safe and stay away
WOW glad you made it out. Thanks for the warning stay safe
several red flags on that ad.. she is hot enough to blow a Wall Street ex and be a trophy wife... its skipthegames...... maybe if it was eros it would be believable but skipthegames come on you get drug addicts trash and occasional newbie like Sarah summers that goes downhill fast... its like saying fuck it I most likely will get robbed or busted on a sting but there's that one in million shot she is real lol..
Thanks much. Since ad seems to already be down, do you have phone number, name "she" used, or anything else notable that might help us recognize when they inevitably post again
several red flags on that ad.. she is hot enough to blow a Wall Street ex and be a trophy wife... its skipthegames...... maybe if it was eros it would be believable but skipthegames come on you get drug addicts trash and occasional newbie like Sarah summers that goes downhill fast... its like saying fuck it I most likely will get robbed or busted on a sting but there's that one in million shot she is real lol.. Originally Posted by Funtimes44
Definitely some red flags but sometimes i ignore them for hot blondes I’m stupid like that hahaha. Talked on the phone with her for over 5 minutes when I was driving over so obviously they have a girl working with them. Honestly it felt good right up until I was 2 feet from the apartment door.
Thanks much. Since ad seems to already be down, do you have phone number, name "she" used, or anything else notable that might help us recognize when they inevitably post again Originally Posted by Tomb8871
Used the name Lisa. Once I regained my composure I blocked and deleted the number but it was a 518 burner number. Which a lot of us and them use
I put this into browser and followed the link, Isn't this the ad?
Keys ,thats the correct ad !!
Yes that’s the one.
What street in Watervliet?
Yes unless the lady is reviewed or otherwise known as being legit, I will no longer do residences. Just too ripe for setup. Can't believe some of the idiotic risks I used to unknowingly take in that regard.
Northerndancer's Avatar
Wow. Scary shit, but really impressed with your sense of mind and clarity of thought when it went down.
Definitely some red flags but sometimes i ignore them for hot blondes I’m stupid like that hahaha. Talked on the phone with her for over 5 minutes when I was driving over so obviously they have a girl working with them. Honestly it felt good right up until I was 2 feet from the apartment door. Originally Posted by SouLkilla
Soul, glad you are okay, that's some scary shit.

Guys should always have their guard up most when they know they are ignoring red flags.

Guys should also know that these assholes - nearly 100% of the time just want your money. Never bring more cash than you need for the date. And just give them the money - rather than risk getting the shit beat out of you or worse.

We have all, at least once, paid for an experience with one of these women that we would rather not have had. Give them the money and write it off as a cost of the hobby and move on.
im not if it was here or in the news... I think the news some poor fuck got robbed at the hotel and they stole his car... imagine explaining that one to the wife if your married.
I typically don’t take risks usually I rotate through a few regulars that I’ve seen I know are safe and I know we get along and occasionally I’ll see a columbian or Asian girl. I just started SA a few months ago (going pretty good).
Yesterday when that door opened I felt that if they had gotten me in that apartment I was leaving robbed and I was going to be physically assaulted. In a split second instinct kicked in (fight or flight) I felt I made the right decision and trust me I have a whole lot to loose if these two worlds collide. I’m not making light of the situation I got caught up in. I’m just grateful I got away unscathed.
A lot of you guys have been doing this along time and know the history of a lot of the providers in the area and I always appreciate your insight but sometimes tunnel vision kicks in and just maybe with a little luck I feel like I found the next diamond in the rough. Stay safe fellas