Nationwide Prostituion Bust

Batman's Avatar
See link:

A Fort Worth connection; one of the women arrested listed a local address.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Of note:
Authorities said the effort led to the recovery of 69 children victimized by prostitution as well as the arrests of 884 people, including 99 pimps, in 40 cities.
Cmdr. Gregg Waitkus said officers accompanied by six FBI agents made all 20 arrests between roughly noon and 8 p.m. Nov. 4. In most cases, he said, police learned of scheduled prostitution appointments through investigative sources.
Very interesting quote. These were not street walker operations. I wonder if by "scheduled prostitution appointments" they mean police posted ads soliciting business or maybe they replied to ads and scheduled appointments.

Gives something to think about.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
ok any idea who jennifer fox goes by
how 'bout the guy from Carrollton Texas?
LazurusLong's Avatar
Good thing they weren't posting this sort of thing back on ECCIE when someone from there got popped up in Chicago.

Real life name and mug shots are forever.....
Sad they put all that effort into busting prostitution. What about the murders and thieves. I dont hear a major bust on that!!! Wasting all this money on a non felony charge. SAD
LazurusLong's Avatar
Sad they put all that effort into busting prostitution. What about the murders and thieves. I dont hear a major bust on that!!! Wasting all this money on a non felony charge. SAD Originally Posted by exoticbabygirl
Non felony?

Are you shitting me?

Did you miss my quote where they had 69 children in that arrest? Called them victims? Maybe they all had their kids with them but doubtful when they involve pimps and interstate travel.

Pimping is a felony and unlike some movie characters, many pimps are forcing the girls to do this or they get beat or worse, killed.

There ARE pimps who commit murder of their "property" that we here on ECCIE we refer to as providers.

THIS type of story goes a long way to explaining why it is doubtful that until pimps are stomped out of the hobby entirely, prostitution will never become legal.
For those that remember when Phoenix was a hotbed of activity and went through its agency wars, several agencies consolidated before some big busts went down there. The Phoenix police had been tipped by the Chicago police when they arrested a traveling escort working for for Desert Divas.

After a year long investigation, their were some very public arrests made for money laundering, tax evasion, illegal weapons, etc. Most of the remaining agencies closed up shop and moved on to something else. Nine months later, the Desert Divas clients list was released to the media and the local news stations were showing up at men's homes and places of businesses seeking comments.

It killed the market and rates fell in to half what they formerly were, but that is one nervous city that has not recovered from the events of two years ago.

We should all be careful out there. The thrust of the OP's link to the consilidated investigation was human trafficking underage girls / runaways. I hope all here would not knowingly support such operations or minors working in the biz and if presented the opportunity to help someone go home without endangering themselves to great extent, they would. There are girls who get trapped into this at a tender age. That is sad and should be stopped wherever possible.

I believe consenting adults can and should be able to make their own decisions.

This presents a question. Let's suppose visits a gal on backpage, etc.. You show up and is certain she is underage and would rather go home and working under duress. Besides not actually doing any sort of session, how could you help this girl?

Should you call the police? What about he cardinal rule of outing someone? I think in the case of a minor trapped by a pimp or a trafficking gang, I could justify breaking it. But would an anonymous tip be enough without having to get further involved?

Suggestions? Ideas?
LazurusLong's Avatar
The Dallas police have a special unit for this very thing and calls can be made like any other CrimeStoppers issue where you can remain anonymous.

Check the DPD website.