Man Charged in Raping Area Escorts

For those who might be interested. Article includes a good photo of suspect.

There was a prohibition against republishing.

Old Dingus
Raptorcg's Avatar
I don't believe in hell...but guys like this make me hope I'm wrong and he get his.
Here's wishing him many nice fun filled showers in his future !
TheDon's Avatar
And they say chivalry is dead.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Here's to hoping he gets raped as many times as he raped those girls.... & I mean dry rape.

*serious face* Is this the guy that's been in your sig line for a year, Brooke Wild?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

*serious face* Is this the guy that's been in your sig line for a year, Brooke Wild? Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Sadly no. The guy in my sig is a dark skinned stocky guy.
yardbird74's Avatar
I'm all for government ordered castration. No anesthesia. When it comes to rapists the 8th amendment can kiss my ass.

(Please don't get on your Constitutional high horse, I realize we can't make exceptions within the amendments...just let a man dream).
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Most excellent news! Since castration doesn't seem to be an option, I have a REAL shillelagh from the Old Country I'm willing to shove up his woo hoo. (My dear, departed grandpa wouldn't mind his walking stick being put to such good use.)
jbravo_123's Avatar
Hope they catch the chick who was helping him commit the rapes too.
MrClark's Avatar
I hope the bastard actually has to stay in more than a couple of years. They keep letting the same assholes out.
Russ38's Avatar
Glad to see they got him....hopefully now, he will become the "provider" and getting pimped out for a pack of Newports.
real crime fighting...
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Sublime song "Date Rape" pops in my head....

singing along...One night in jail, it was getting late, he was butt raped by a large inmate. And he screamed. But the guards paid not attention to his cries...
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Sadly no. The guy in my sig is a dark skinned stocky guy. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

That sux! I was in Austin yesterday, and caught a bit of the news. They have a very similar case going there. Hispanic guy raping and attacking escorts and random ladies, but he seems to be targeting a specific area of town. But has the same MO. He has sent a few escorts to abandoned or empty apartments and taken advantage of them.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
It's butt raping time...