Thanks to Trump the USA does lead the World in Sonething...Most Deaths...

Solemate62's Avatar
.....41,000 and growing hourly! MAGA - Make a Graveyard Appointment! Just tell your local mortician “Trump sent me!”
Budman's Avatar
But you said it was 60,000 + a few weeks ago. How does that work?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Do yous deny it? Or do yous still maintain this is a common cold, like Rush Limbaughs says?
Budman's Avatar
I am way more concerned about the economy than I am about the virus. I think when all this shit settles down it will be no more than the flu.

Do you believe that destroying the best economy in years is the best solution?
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 01:58 PM
OP could not post accurate "FACTS" - and is oblivious to the inaccuracy of the numbers posted.
Good question B- the Fascist DPST's do not want to answer that they see this Wuhan virus as an opportunity to force their viewpoints on America and the World.

Doing so by forcing a global depression unnecessarily - and keeping the world shut down until after their presumed/hoped for victory in Nov 2020 elections.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
.....41,000 and growing hourly! MAGA - Make a Graveyard Appointment! Just tell your local mortician “Trump sent me!” Originally Posted by Solemate62

except that this claim is not true.

the numbers being fudged, china is the real leader in deaths accrued, not USA.
What President Trump will be remembered for is his decisive action in limiting the number of deaths in a Country with 330 million people.

It takes a Commander in Chief who knows how to lead to do that.
Lapdog's Avatar
And Trump ain't him.
HoeHummer's Avatar
except that this claim is not true.

the numbers being fudged, china is the real leader in deaths accrued, not USA. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Can yous prove that, dillsy?

Nope. Just parrotting what yous hear on OANumbnutz. Just like your colostomy bag of a leader.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What President Trump will be remembered for is his decisive action in limiting the number of deaths in a Country with 330 million people.

It takes a Commander in Chief who knows how to lead to do that. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think history will remember this asshole as

Lapdog's Avatar
except that this claim is not true.

the numbers being fudged, china is the real leader in deaths accrued, not USA. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Chinese are taking their cues from Donald Trump and lying about anything and everything, just for the hell of it.
But you said it was 60,000 + a few weeks ago. How does that work? Originally Posted by Budman
Yeah, he's just spewing bullshit again. Not a surprise.

We have already discussed the relevance of using Deaths per capita as a better metric and anyone who believes any number coming out of China right now is just nuts. Oh, we mis-counted in Wuhan it really was almost exactly 50% higher than we reported, yet the rest of the country got next to nothing. Not the way their hive cities are setup.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
.....41,000 and growing hourly! MAGA - ... Originally Posted by Solemate62
More like, you are watching the coming attractions just before the movie starts. Fasten your seat belts and keep your arms and legs within the car. She's gonna get a bit bumpy buttercup.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And Trump ain't him. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I think history will remember this asshole as

IMPEACHED Originally Posted by HoeHummer

you two are alive due to the enlightened leadership of GodEmperorPOTUS. if not for Lord Trump billions would be dead! you are lucky to live in this era of greatness!

Lapdog's Avatar
Go pull your own pud, whacko. I don't need any help here.