What happens in Vegas…

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  • `flip
  • 08-08-2013, 05:50 AM
Okay so Tuesday night I was out getting after it in my normal fashion. I ended up gambling early in the afternoon which leads to me partaking in the free booze which leads to me realizing I was too damn drunk to drive myself home. I was way to awake to give in and get a room so it turned into one of my normal all night casino crawls.

Now the old saying is…

“What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas”.

Until a drunken asshole like me walks by with a camera phone that is LOLOLOL.

I know I know what a dick move but come on guys tell me that shits not funny, this was too damn funny not to share.
Attached Images File Type: jpg drunkchicks.jpg (27.2 KB, 176 views)
Maybe it's just me, and I am ok with that.: but I find that you did this tacky.

We have all had our moments.. In the end this is still someone's daughter and this doesn't belong broadcasted to the world. Or eccie for that.

Next time think about getting her a water and maybe asking her friend to cover her up and get her home safely.
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  • `flip
  • 08-08-2013, 04:57 PM
Lol yeah it was but it is funny.

For the record I did tell her upright friend and I quote...

Me "Hey hun you 2 ok?"

Upright drunk girl "Go fuck yourself" then drunkin babble back into " fuck off asshole"

Me "Ok hun ill go fuck myself, but I just wanted to see if you guys were okay and by the way your friends goodies are hanging out"

Upright drunk girl " fuck her and fuck you leave me alone"

You are very right we have had our own moments however mines never been that bad. As far as getting her water only thing I had to offer was a Jack and Coke more Jack Than Coke at that and that wasn't helping either one of them. I probably would have had no problem with going to get her a couple of waters mainly because I am willing to help some one out, BUT she made it more than clear that I was to fuck off, leave her alone, and was an asshole for even asking if they were ok.

As far as getting them home, holy hell the whole reason I even seen that was I felt I was to intoxicated to get myself home let alone get two drunk ladies who I didnt know home. Especially being the fact she was so combative and rude.

I aggree with the whole tacky part for the most part however I still find it funny lol.
  • GNG
  • 08-08-2013, 05:35 PM
There was a very similar picture that circulated on the internet sites several years ago.

Very similar...*shrug*
  • GNG
  • 08-08-2013, 05:42 PM
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  • `flip
  • 08-08-2013, 05:54 PM
Damn it Roger I liked being tacky...

This picture is absolutely hilarious to me lolol...
  • GNG
  • 08-08-2013, 06:20 PM
This picture is absolutely hilarious to me lolol... Originally Posted by `flip
I won't disagree with you there.
Am I the only one who finds this repellent on multiple levels?
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  • `flip
  • 08-09-2013, 08:54 AM
Am I the only one who finds this repellent on multiple levels? Originally Posted by GoldieKnox
Lol probably not Goldie. I guess it's a good thing I have no plans to run for office anytime in the near future. I might have to make the typical calculated political appoligey speach, and that might make me sweat a little.

I would also like to add you have a really cute butt btw.
Ok so it's not such a big deal that in a half drunken state you posted this photo as your own..

But... Before you were called out that this is an old photo, you actually made up an entire scenario to go along with fake photo?

Seriously at a loss for thoughts.
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  • `flip
  • 08-16-2013, 02:58 AM
Ok so it's not such a big deal that in a half drunken state you posted this photo as your own..

But... Before you were called out that this is an old photo, you actually made up an entire scenario to go along with fake photo?

Seriously at a loss for thoughts. Originally Posted by alyssainnewyork

Alyssa sweet Alyssa, I don’t think I could stand the fact that my thread on a message board made someone lose their thoughts and I wouldn’t want you walking around the world thoughtless. That wouldn’t be good, so I will try and I do mean try to clarify this.

Yes the picture I posted was not from the evening I had referred to. Now with that being said the image I used has been in circulation on the net, blogs, Facebook, MySpace, etc. for at least 4 years that I can pin it down to, and yes I find the image to be absolutely hilarious. I mean seriously the chick spread eagle (wearing panties no different than a bathing suit) wearing the sun glasses in the middle of the night are just classic.

Now before you ask I will answer The events that night actually did happen in the context above, however I did leave out the part where hotel security and metro stepped in at which point I moved on.

Now I guess if it would have made you and everyone else feel better for me to take a tasteless, tacky, repulsive, repellent photograph of these two very drunk young ladies one of which was sitting in a very large pool of her own vomit and quite possibly her own urine (unverified), I’m sorry to disappoint you I just don’t roll like that. That scene was nothing but disgusting, and yes its true I am an asshole LOL, (not in denial about that like most of the world is) I still wouldn’t be able to exploit something as horrid as that.

NOW when Roger posted he had seen that picture and it was old I started to crack up it took him 2.2 seconds to confirm that as old mainly because he and a lot of others have seen that photo time after time and probably have chuckled as much as I did over it. However I do realize that this took the credibility of my above mentioned story down a few notches, however I still find it ridiculously funny he as I remembered that photo, as I’m sure a lot of people would have. I guess at the end of the day I could care less if anyone wanted to look at my above story as creditable it was merely one of many drunken memories for me. I probably could have presented it a little better or not at all on here. That’s neither here nor there.

I truly am sorry that I have caused you to lose your thoughts and I do hope you find them in the near future, and I hope me trying to clarify this whole thing for you will help you achieve this. However if you need me to help you I am more than willing being I was the one that caused this to happen to you. Just saying…
  • GNG
  • 08-16-2013, 09:38 AM
I gotta buy you a beer, `flip.
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  • `flip
  • 08-16-2013, 01:00 PM
I gotta buy you a beer, `flip. Originally Posted by Roger Murdock
You got it Roger, let me know when you plan on heading out this way and we'll see if we can't just meet up and tie one on .
Yeah, it's cool. I didn't lose any sleep over it..

If one of us ladies made up a story we would be labeled crazy, but I guess as long as you accomplished your goal. Then high five!
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  • `flip
  • 08-16-2013, 02:43 PM
Yeah, it's cool. I didn't lose any sleep over it..

If one of us ladies made up a story we would be labeled crazy, but I guess as long as you accomplished your goal. Then high five! Originally Posted by alyssainnewyork

Well the image and the story are not one in the same hun. I think I clarified in the above mentioned post.

I am so glad this didn’t cause you to lose any sleep; we all need our beauty rest.

Oh P.S. I only twitch on Tuesday and that’s only if I forget my Meds HeHe..

And Double P.S.S. When you high fived me it aroused me.. Is that weird?