Cuban Interactions

The reality is Cubans are the dominate ethnic in more and more clubs. How and why does not really matter. It simply is. And a lot of them are really hot.

My question is:

For the non-Spanish speaking among us what are some recommendations of how to work with them?

Some of the concerns:

Language barrier is obvious. Google Translate is very popular. Other suggestions?

Too pushy and cut to the chase attitude. Any suggestions on how to mitigate this? I want them to sit, have a drink, take some time before dances.

Other issues? Suggestions on how to make the best of the situation?
  • mb60
  • 05-29-2024, 08:12 PM
I can tell you first hand that are not as bad as some make them out to be. Google translate is the only way I know as they speak limited English. I have met a couple at BDFW recently that are really cool and laid back. Actually supposed to see one OTC next week.
So you just kind of filter through the pushy ones until you find one that is not?
  • rcusa
  • 05-30-2024, 05:53 AM
Usually, the pushy approach and lack of conversation is a bit annoying; however, I had one encounter in CB (before the Box-Troll got too happy shining a flashlight into the lapdance area) that was contrary to that usual rule. Here is the ENTIRE unabridged conversation that occurred within one minute of my entry into the club:
Her (standing at bar) - "Dance?"
Me - "Y mas?"
Her - "Si, y mas."
Me - "Y todo?"
Her - "Si, todo."
Into the box we went, and into her box I went...and into her box I came.
unfortunately rcusa, none of that helps me as it does not help with the language barrier nor does it involve getting her to spend time prior to dances. I am guessing you did not bother to actually read my post.

But thanks
OBSG, sorting thru is gonna be the deal or learning Spanish which I think goes way further. Or maybe just the simple conversational stuff, some do speak English but I think that is very rare at most places tbh. Spanish is not my primary language so I stumbled quite a bit but found it helped me score and find the ones that were chill. So I can't give much good news aside from suggesting dabbling with learning Spanish as probably the sure thing to really help you with this quest. Just my 2 cents
I've found success at BDD, most of the Cubans I've found up there speak decent English,unlike Chicas Locas and some do have a thick accent. My main up there is a Cuban and can carry a convo pretty good but at times she pulls out google translate but as you mentioned, I like how she will sit with me 30-40 mins and talk about stuff before dances and not pushy at all, super hot too. Even after she'll come back around later to talk and not ask for more.

Thats why's she main but have a few #2's, and they might chit chat a few mins and want dances, a lot more transactional.
  • mb60
  • 05-30-2024, 08:21 PM
So you just kind of filter through the pushy ones until you find one that is not?
Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
I'm very direct and when I say no it means not interested. They are just like normal dancers when it comes to drinks. Never hurts to buy a drink and if they are friendly ant pushy it will show. They all want dances but when you take the time some will actually approach you to chat sometime. Trust me it took me about 6 months at BDFW to find a couple.
I don't have a problem with a translater app once in awhile. Just want some conversation before my wallet gets molested
  • rcusa
  • 05-31-2024, 06:32 AM
@oldbutstillgoing I consider Google Translate the best of the translation options. If you get a Pixel 7 or 8 series phone from Google, and if you use their Assistant rather than Gemini AI, then you can set your phone into Conversation Mode, and it will translate real-time. Issue with that is if the club is too noisy, your conversation may not stand out distinctly enough to the phone (forget about it in CB, for example).
No real cure for the pushy nature of some; just have to send them on their way once you become convinced they won't sit and enjoy a little time with you.
Possibility to improve the experience would be to find a few you like, and if they give you their numbers, then you can coordinate visits to see one of them and not have to be dealing with the gaggle of pushy dancers on such visits.
I don't fully understand what you're looking for @old. Are you trying to get a gal to talk to you for free for X amount of time before paying for dances? I don't think that's gonna happen unless you've had a bunch of dances with a gal already on previous nights. The gals want to make sure they're not wasting their time talking to you if you're not gonna get any dances.
The first time I went to CL I was a victim to the swarm ya get when you walk in. I managed to have a fun first experience there by picking the one with the friendliest face and tipping her 20 right off the bat. No awkward Spanglish was necessary. She understood to just chill with me for a while as I got my bearings. She followed me as I was ushered to a seat and gave me a crash course on the CL craziness. I also utilize google translate. I kind of like it. Slows down the conversation to the point where I don't get that pressured-sales vibe.
I never get any dances from her, but I still use her as my bodyguard any time I go. Thats been my normal play anytime I go to a Cuban-heavy spot. It's also a great way to get intel on the winners and losers.
Guess my point is to give the gals a reason to chill with you. tips or drinks.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I don't fully understand what you're looking for @old. Are you trying to get a gal to talk to you for free for X amount of time before paying for dances? I don't think that's gonna happen unless you've had a bunch of dances with a gal already on previous nights. The gals want to make sure they're not wasting their time talking to you if you're not gonna get any dances.
The first time I went to CL I was a victim to the swarm ya get when you walk in. I managed to have a fun first experience there by picking the one with the friendliest face and tipping her 20 right off the bat. No awkward Spanglish was necessary. She understood to just chill with me for a while as I got my bearings. She followed me as I was ushered to a seat and gave me a crash course on the CL craziness. I also utilize google translate. I kind of like it. Slows down the conversation to the point where I don't get that pressured-sales vibe.
I never get any dances from her, but I still use her as my bodyguard any time I go. Thats been my normal play anytime I go to a Cuban-heavy spot. It's also a great way to get intel on the winners and losers.
Guess my point is to give the gals a reason to chill with you. tips or drinks. Originally Posted by Ohthatguy

I agree.

Dancers, Cuban or not, do not just sit with guys for more than a few minutes if they are not tipping or buying them a drink. Most of them will ask for a dance pretty much right away, especially if you are just sitting there not drinking. At the clubs I go to, the ladies pretty much know me and what I like already, so there is really no need to do interviews. They know I am not there for stimulating conversation or get lame, cookie cutter broken record dances. They also know I am not seeking a girlfriend or looking to follow them around the club like a lost puppy dog.

So, to the OP point, you are not going to find any Cuban dancer who does not know you from previous history with you or through the grapevine, willing to just sit and chat via google translate or anything else if they do not know they are going to definitely get money or drinks in return. Even if you out yourself as a username on Eccie. I know a few guys who have done that in the past.
I agree.

Dancers, Cuban or not, do not just sit with guys for more than a few minutes if they are not tipping or buying them a drink. Most of them will ask for a dance pretty much right away, especially if you are just sitting there not drinking. At the clubs I go to, the ladies pretty much know me and what I like already, so there is really no need to do interviews. They know I am not there for stimulating conversation or get lame, cookie cutter broken record dances. They also know I am not seeking a girlfriend or looking to follow them around the club like a lost puppy dog.

So, to the OP point, you are not going to find any Cuban dancer who does not know you from previous history with you or through the grapevine, willing to just sit and chat via google translate or anything else if they do not know they are going to definitely get money or drinks in return. Even if you out yourself as a username on Eccie. I know a few guys who have done that in the past. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

So very wrong as always. And your post has nothing to do with what I asked, as always. If you bother to post, try actually comprehending the questions and posting something useful and actually on topic instead. Though those actions may indeed be beyond your capabilities.

Your experiences as you just outlined them are not true for others. Quit basing everything upon your own pathetic experiences. Others actually have game and know how to treat dancers and don't have to print out ECCIE reviews and show them to dancers begging for the same. I know someone who has actually done that.
I don't fully understand what you're looking for @old. Are you trying to get a gal to talk to you for free for X amount of time before paying for dances? I don't think that's gonna happen unless you've had a bunch of dances with a gal already on previous nights. The gals want to make sure they're not wasting their time talking to you if you're not gonna get any dances.
The first time I went to CL I was a victim to the swarm ya get when you walk in. I managed to have a fun first experience there by picking the one with the friendliest face and tipping her 20 right off the bat. No awkward Spanglish was necessary. She understood to just chill with me for a while as I got my bearings. She followed me as I was ushered to a seat and gave me a crash course on the CL craziness. I also utilize google translate. I kind of like it. Slows down the conversation to the point where I don't get that pressured-sales vibe.
I never get any dances from her, but I still use her as my bodyguard any time I go. Thats been my normal play anytime I go to a Cuban-heavy spot. It's also a great way to get intel on the winners and losers.
Guess my point is to give the gals a reason to chill with you. tips or drinks. Originally Posted by Ohthatguy
I enjoy a little conversation and a drink or two before dances. I like being able to talk directly to someone. Nothing in a club is free. If I ask a gal to sit with me, she will make money most of time and a drink or two. And, unlike the typical cuban, this is what typically happens with the vast majority of English speaking dancers. Others may not care or do things the way I do. Thats fine for them. I would think it's clear I don't like using a translator. Go back and reread my original post and perhaps you can figure out what I advice I am seeking. Others have.
And just in case some don't understand. Cubans are a strong presence if not the majority in many clubs now. Many are really hot. The techniques I use with english speaking dancers to have an enjoyable outing don't work well with them because of the language barrier. Translator apps may have their place but they are not the end all of solutions.

Actual, useful, suggestions and ideas on how to work around this limitation are welcome. I also know there may not be a lot that can be done. From many other comments posted in other threads, I am far from the only one frustrated by the language issue.