YES! I'm Unhappy With Changes

g3wq9xg's Avatar
To ECCIE's ad posting policy that is.

I understand, but now I find it harder to discern who I should see. I do use reviews, but I have learned that you have to take them with their grain of salt, either they exaggerate or there is the YMMV. Though, I have never had a YMMV problem.

I don't know why a hobbyist would exaggerate or say things happened when they don't; I figure that would annoy the provider or cause her unneeded problems.
Awww. Why put yourself through all that work, love? Just come see me. Problem solved. *snicker*
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I don't exaggerate anything. I can't help it that that I have to custom order condoms to fit my cock.
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 02-02-2011, 04:44 PM
I don't exaggerate anything. I can't help it that that I have to custom order condoms to fit my cock. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
Hmm that big huh?
Sorry had too
Torito's Avatar
Hmm that big huh?
Sorry had too Originally Posted by Jaleh
Did he say big? LOL

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
the condom industry heard you loud and clear poppy:
I don't exaggerate anything. I can't help it that that I have to custom order condoms to fit my cock. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
This snow is making everyone crazy!
pmdelites's Avatar
they might be exaggerations cos it's all fiction, right!!

besides,the women reviewed here are a whole lot better than calling an agency in the yellow pages or someone from most ads on ANE or BP or CL!!!!
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 02-02-2011, 06:36 PM
Did he say big? LOL

Torito Originally Posted by Torito
He did but its clear thats what he talking about
Torito's Avatar
He did but its clear thats what he talking about Originally Posted by Jaleh
Read his post again. He did not say big. It was implied but not stated. I was making a joke. That's why the LOL. I have met Poppy and he is a cool guy. I would not fires jokes at him otherwise.

I don't exaggerate anything. I can't help it that I have to custom order condoms to fit my cock. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
That must be a tiny thing U have!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I don't exaggerate anything. I can't help it that that I have to custom order condoms to fit my cock. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota

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