NYT Report.....Despite 90% Negative Coverage, President Trump's Numbers Go Up


Just think where the President's poll numbers would be if the MSM was not sold out to the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat Agenda.
bamscram's Avatar
Couldn't read your link, it kept morphing into a small black box, but here are some current numbers.

  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2019, 12:40 PM
Jackie- call it Democrat-Progressive-Socialist Totalitarian
It is what it is!!!
One Party Totalitarian rule is the ultimate Goal for DPST.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-17-2019, 12:46 PM
Jackie- call it Democrat-Progressive-Socialist Totalitarian
It is what it is!!!
One Party Totalitarian rule is the ultimate Goal for DPST. Originally Posted by oeb11
And the defense of all things Trump is just the other side of a two headed coin.

Always cracks me up when people gripe about their politicians being better than the other sides candidate or treated unfairly by so called media.
bamscram's Avatar
Jackie- call it Democrat-Progressive-Socialist Totalitarian
It is what it is!!!
One Party Totalitarian rule is the ultimate Goal for DPST. Originally Posted by oeb11

You guys are just too funny talking amongst yourselves all day.

Trump is fuked and its funnier and more entertaining then his ignorant supporters
themystic's Avatar

Just think where the President's poll numbers would be if the MSM was not sold out to the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat Agenda. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie eat from loco weeds. Story internet link May 2018. Like moron Donald, Jackie want to live in past. Jackie not know stuff.Trump Shutdown up to 28 day. Most day all President. USA people say Trump Number up to Number One Moron. Trump voter down to Number 2 Moron
Wakeup's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar
Here's a little more recent poll. A shocker too. Latino support up 19 points!!!


Shows how out of touch with the Hispanic community the left is.

They wouldn't know conventional wisdom if it bit them on the ass.

Doesn't surprise me at all. Ask any Spanish speaker in Texas what "mojado" means in reference to illegal immigrants. You'll likely get a rather conservative sounding earful.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your link goes to a story from last May.

Nice try.

Just think where the President's poll numbers would be if the MSM was not sold out to the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat Agenda. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Munchmasterman's Avatar
In the same poll, support from whites went from 50% to 40%.

The 40% is normal. A spike in one poll for hispanics doesn't mean anything.
Here's a little more recent poll. A shocker too. Latino support up 19 points!!!


Shows how out of touch with the Hispanic community the left is.

They wouldn't know conventional wisdom if it bit them on the ass.

Doesn't surprise me at all. Ask any Spanish speaker in Texas what "mojado" means in reference to illegal immigrants. You'll likely get a rather conservative sounding earful. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
In the same poll, support from whites went from 50% to 40%.

The 40% is normal. A spike in one poll for hispanics doesn't mean anything.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. If you haven't lived your whole life as close to the Hispanic community as I have you will never understand.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Stay in denial if it makes you feel better. The facts are clear in the link you posted

Pretty funny you would report the latino jump without mentioning the whites % fall.

"The president did not fare that well among all Americans, or even among Republicans, with a seven point drop with the latter since December.
In this same January poll, on the question of whether Trump is doing “too much, too little, or about the right amount to work with Democrats in Congress”, among Latinos, 50% of said he was doing too little, while 32% said he was doing the right amount. It was not a polled question in the December survey."

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Zim said almost gently, "You've got it all wrong, son. There's no such thing as a "dangerous weapon."
"Huh? Sir?"
"There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men."

“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
gfejunkie's Avatar
Stay in denial if it makes you feel better. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Unlike you, what I am not denying is that 50% of the nation's fastest growing sector of the population supports this President.
It might be 95 percent negative coverage now, considering that

1. President Trump is still President
2. The Mueller probe is going to be a big fizzle
3. President Trump is winning.