What if Humans were more like Bonobos?

RealBeer285's Avatar
If you don't know what a Bonobo is, try these links:

"That sex is connected to feeding, and even appears to make food sharing possible, has been observed not only in zoos but also in the wild. Nancy Thompson-Handler, then at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, saw bonobos in Zaire's Lomako Forest engage in sex after they had entered trees loaded with ripe figs or when one among them had captured a prey animal, such as a small forest duiker. The flurry of sexual contacts would last for five to 10 minutes, after which the apes would settle down to consume the food."

Instead of a round of handshakes to start a lunch meeting, you would have a good round of whoopy instead.

Just think about all the other possibilities...