State Troopers on high alert acting a fool

Not sure if this is an alert but...
so I'm driving from Abilene at 8 a.m. in an older Cadillac windows partially down no tent on the windows.
I see the state trooper behind me so I do not speed going between 73 and 76 as soon as it hit 76 he put on his lights..
made me get out of the car stand near his car where are you going, where you been? Blah blah.. asked if I had drugs naming every kind asked about money if I had any, no I have bank cards I have change on me....
after about 20 minutes of fbi interrogation tactics I finally said look search my car. Xxx is what I do for a living xxx is where I'm going I don't have anything you ran my tags see my licence all is clear...he wanted title to car asked dum question like about my key ring why I only had one key ...I mean all up in my business. Asked about secret departments.if had them....did a depth perseption test on my floor boards....even took a picture of my floor boards said he had never seen anything like mine before...he gave me a warning for going 76 he said a couple of miles over the speed limit sign is not a given 75 means 75..... the whole ordeal took 45 minutes.......
he said they are just keeping there highways safe and secure
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Sounds more like he wanted to harass a pretty lady....ONE mile over the speed limit? Even in Texas that's absurd...and Texas loves surcharges and flags like LA. I've had my cruise set at 5 over and gone right by the ones shooting radar. This guy must have needed some attention lol. Glad he let you go but sucks you had to deal with his bs.
TXCatHerder's Avatar
Could be acting on a drug running tip, stopping a certain make/model/color of a car. I-20 is a major route.

I once saw 6 traffic stops on a trip from Abilene to Midland. By the third one, I saw the Ford Fusion. Two were more wine colored. It may not have involved you personally, just him trying to make the real suspect get nervous, out themselves, etc. Good job not going to jail for POPO (Pissing Off a Police Officer).
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
...sounds like he put the "dick" in Interdiction lol. Yea like CatHerder said, at least you didn't fail the attitude test or you would be posting this a day or two later prolly.
scsholar's Avatar
Oh boy...

Getting ready to make a trip into the DFW for a friends birthday next week. May take 114 instead of I-20 after all.
Yeah I saw 3 or 4 other stops on the way by troopers all on the side and out of car..I was like oh they must have some shit on them or done bad...but no seems like that's how they do it on that rout...I was getting an attitude after all that time I was thinking in my head, man I have 200 waiting on me can you just let me go already..... be safe out there driving
cowpoke68's Avatar
I think he pulled over a hot chick. I20 is drug runner highway from Mexico so expect close scrutiny on a regular basis. Drugs going north and cash going south. Going east from Abilene always watch Clyde PD for speed trap and Cisco,Eastland And Ranger for DPS. ALWAYS!!!
FLReWrite's Avatar
I think he pulled over a hot chick. I20 is drug runner highway from Mexico so expect close scrutiny on a regular basis. Drugs going north and cash going south. Going east from Abilene always watch Clyde PD for speed trap and Cisco,Eastland And Ranger for DPS. ALWAYS!!! Originally Posted by cowpoke68
^^This. Further, they'll profile certain vehicle types as well. In other words, they were looking for a reason to stop you.
^^This. Further, they'll profile certain vehicle types as well. In other words, they were looking for a reason to stop you. Originally Posted by FLReWrite
Profile, care to elaborate?
FLReWrite's Avatar
Profile, care to elaborate? Originally Posted by heath_ledger
Haha. No, not really. But I knew the minute I used that word I'd get called on it. I just know what I learned in that most famous of all Police Academy's--Law and Order--that at times they are "on the lookout for older mini vans, etc." when they have something they are looking for and don't have particulars on the vehicle.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I have been up and down I-20 a million times, all times of days, driving 5 above the posted limit almost all the time....... they have never even blinked my way
I have been up and down I-20 a million times, all times of days, driving 5 above the posted limit almost all the time....... they have never even blinked my way Originally Posted by CryptKicker

CryptKicker's Avatar
Nah... Would hate to wave my winky at them! Lol
oldpun's Avatar
A few years ago I was driving a bright red Nissan Versa. On my way to work I was stopped by a state trooper for rolling through a 4 way stop. I am sure I stopped completely, I could see the trooper. No big deal. On my way home I was stopped for not signalling a lane change. I know I signaled, but what you going to do. Another warning. Later that day I was coming back from Sam's club and got stopped again for following too close on I-40. I showed that trooper my two other warnings and asked if they were targeting little red cars for a reason. He said they didn't do that. I went home and put that car in the garage and drove one of my other cars the rest of the week.