Senile Biden opened his mouth and created an international incident

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Now you know why they keep this dementia addled moron locked away from the press.

They rolled out Senile Biden, drugged up on his dementia meds today for an extremely rare press conference. During that Press Conference, Senile Biden invited Russia to invade Ukraine. the same Ukraine that the libtards tried to impeach President Trump over for some bogus issue about a Trump potential delay in a future aid budget

We had to listen to the media and the Democrats lie for five years about President Trump being weak on Russia and Senile Biden
just gave Ukraine to Putin

This from CNN - CNN's Chance: Ukrainian Officials Watched Biden 'With Horror' and Said He Gave 'The Green Light to Putin'
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New satellite images show extent of Russia buildup along Ukraine border

New satellite photos released Wednesday detail Russia’s military buildup along the border with Ukraine the same day President Biden said Moscow will “prevail over time” if it chooses to invade its neighbor.

The images from Maxar Technologies, obtained by Reuters, show Russian armored personnel carriers, trucks and other military equipment massed at a storage facility in the city of Klimovo, approximately 20 miles from the border with Ukraine.

Other images show military vehicles, troop tents, tanks and artillery support equipment in the Yelnya military training area, about 160 miles from Ukrainian territory.
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And now this

BREAKING: State Department orders families of U.S. embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country as soon as Monday, U.S. officials say