No wonder there's no local talent...

I know we all have our "dumb moments." But some Beaumont gents have really pushed the word dumb this week. I've been asked to trade my services for an iPod. I was asked if I could take a check and cash it in two weeks. Oh yeah, and asked of I could do a half hour special even though I'm basically running a half hour rate for an hour of my time this week. If you don't have references then please don't contact me. I'm not newbie friendly. Local le is on eccie. They've contacted me trying to set up appts. They're favorite line is I don't have references. Well of course you don''re a cop. Last but not least, a gentleman told me he had been in a prostitution sting in Port Arthur and didnt understand why i wouldnt see him. Why would you offer up that info? Strange. It's no wonder why Beaumont can't keep local talent.
When you say "work info" what are you asking for? Heck in my normal life I don't want to tell people what I do.
Boohahaha!!! That same guy texted me askin to trade for an ipod. Lmao i was like go to the pawn shop and bring me the cash. Dummy. My biz has been FLIPPIN excellent, these eccie guys are comin thru faithfully...
Figure out whats wrong with your pussy that attracts nothin ass niccas. -k.williams
This kind of post won't do much to help your business....
This kind of post won't do much to help your business.... Originally Posted by parmesan2967
Lol... I don't think it was meant to help, it was just a vent ...

I HATE BMT almost as much as I despise Baton Rouge. Its soooooo on my "never in fuckdom will I visit" list ...

What Happened to you BMT?? You use to be GREAT! You were my very first place I toured! lol
That's too bad Eva...I enjoyed seeing you the last time you visited...
Damn someone around here has really mistreated Eva!
Eva, were we that mean?
I really dont see how there's no local talent, just because you screen like your bout to try get a sperm donor. :/ IM LOCAL TALENT! And a dam good one, and for all you haters of bmt, get in where you fit in, and if you can't stay out of bmt, you live and you learn, sometimes its not the hobbyist its the female thinking every town is gonna work like her home town...i know if i travel i go by that towns rules of operation. Blame yourself and your lame attitudes...
Not every man in every rown is gonna thibk your hot shit, just cause you think you are, your not as cute as you think and thats directed towards every escort,...get your nose out the sky your not that fly
Im gonna stop now, im so dam tired bout hearing how you do think theres talent bc you cant make money. Flippin lame
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
This thread is moving fine. Just a reminder let's keep things civil.

Preach on sister!
Lmao i would but i would keep preaching but i get aggravated every time i read chloes bs. Lol
MuffinMan's Avatar
BTW....What's a used iPod going for these days, HID?? lol

Sorry to have offended you Josie. I thought you were a provider, not a hobbyist. You speak as if I know you. Why would anything I say upset you so greatly? Nobody was talking about you sweetie. Really unsure why you're being so crude towards me when nothing was directed towards you. It's really interesting to me when I see providers bash other providers. I wonder if its the provider or the pimp behind the handle, especially when the ladies dont know really kno eachother. My screening process keeps me out of jail so its fine if some people don't like it. If I was a hobbyist I'd be concerned if I wasn't screened.