The Lies A Guy Will Tell to Get Inside Her Pants

I'll presume that some men have, at one time or another, spotted a woman that hones their focus to little more than getting in her (whether it happens or not!). One of my college buddies was fortunate enough to look like John F. Kennedy, Jr. and he would sometimes tell girls he was a family member if it'd help him bag some ass. Worked more often than you'd think.

Guys, what distortion of facts, half-lies, deceptions and smoke-up-her-ass tales have you heard about being used?
TinMan's Avatar
The wonderful thing about this hobby is that lying is not required in order to get laid. Just cold, hard cash.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Lies or the truth, the only thing that's ever worked for me is the thickness of my wallet. You might want to start start a thread, though, on the lies that women tell to get that wallet to thin down a little bit. That one would go multiple pages faster than Usain Bolt runs the 100.
A friend met a man through an online dating site. His profile said he was divorced. At lunch he told her he was actually separated, not divorced. Back at his house, with his wife's stuff all over the place, he told her that they still lived in the same house but "weren't really together".

(My friend didn't stay.)

I wonder if his wife knew they were "separated"??
Iaintliein's Avatar
I've avoided telling the entire truth, I've told the truth but in carefully prepared context, not so much to get laid, but to prevent the SO from finding out that I got laid.

Can't remember any "bald faced" lies though.
+1 Tin man, that's exactly why I got in this "hobby" in the first place. Tired of bullshitters lying to me and breaking my heart just to get my ass. From what I can tell it's all any guy has ever ultimately wanted from me so just be fair and pay me for it and I will give you what you want and we can part on friendly terms...NO LIES NEEDED.

I don't understand guys who lie to get something they are already paying's like some guys get off more on lying and manipulation than they do on actual sex.
What most men don't understand, especially in RL...if they are completely honest about what they want, most women....well, maybe not most, but many us of are more likely to respect that and give you some..just for being upfront. I would prefer, "hey baby, I want to know you in the biblical sense." as opposed to, " I love you and I want to be your man." If you want some, just say need for the just makes the liar look ridiculous and it hurts to be on the other end.

I had to edit this to say: If a strange man came up to me and was honest, I would be a little creeped out by it, but if he lied, trying to be smooth, he still wouldn't win. I guess I have been exposed to that type of man in my life more so than the one that would be upfront.
My statement had to do more with someone you have known for awhile and have some sort of relationship or association with.
tsrv4me's Avatar
The old survey of one out of six will give it to you if You ask them .......Sure .try walking down the mall and saying to every lady you might like to try out .....hi there I"m testing an old survey for science ....would you like to get laid by me ?????? maybe not quite that crude ......but you get the idea ....How many would say YES ???? how many would just say NO and walk on .?????? and How many would call the police or slap your face or kick you in the balls ?? I dont have the nerve to go to the Mall to ask ....but if any of you might like to try it ......please let the rest of us know the final Results and how much Bail might have been......good luck .....See that would be NO lying and no beating around the bush......
Iaintliein's Avatar
I don't understand guys (people)who lie to get something they are already paying's like some guys (people) get off more on lying and manipulation than they do on actual sex. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
All too true, but, I think men and women have far more in common than either are usually comfortable admitting.
Lies or the truth, the only thing that's ever worked for me is the thickness of my wallet. You might want to start start a thread, though, on the lies that women tell to get that wallet to think down a little bit. That one would go multiple pages faster than Usain Bolt runs the 100. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Ain't that the truth!

However, it comes in right after "I will call you", "I'm not married", or "I am looking to settle down". All favorite lies of the male species. Don't hate just because we play the same game you do, in our own way! You lie to get what you want, and so do we. They could both run multiple pages.

Reality check!
1. Passing yourself off as some sort of professional (doctor, lawyer. etc...).
2. It's your very first time out since your wife passed away from (insert here).
3. Moving overseas to take high-paying job with _____.
4. Son of __________.
5. Brother of ___________.
6. I've never seen anyone so beautiful before.
7. You're eyes are ah...blah...
8. You're a ballerina, aren't you?
9. You're one of the Dallas (Houston....Los Anfeles..San Antonio) Cheerleaders!
10. and so many more....
Woman: "I had a nice time."
Man: "I will call you."

I call those face savers. Sometimes for his benefit, sometimes for hers.
I don't know any women that pay for sex(though I'm sure such women exist and there has been a bit more of a cougar type thing going on now that some women have nice paying civie jobs)...I'm guessing that if they did they'd want the same rights as a male paying for it which would be not having to worry about lying to get it or worry about what the person they are paying actually thinks of their bedroom skills etc.

I guess to me lying in the hobby to get sex is akin to going to the grocery store and telling the cashier she is the love of your life so she will let you buy some groceries. If you have the money generally speaking she will sell it to's the reason she's there.

All too true, but, I think men and women have far more in common than either are usually comfortable admitting. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
bojulay's Avatar
I can honestly say, my hand on a bible, that I have never
lied to try and get a girl to sleep with me. I hate dishonesty
that much. Actually wouldn't even enjoy it if I had to lie.

That is one of the main things that I like about seeing
girls this way, it's a lot more honest. Unless you're in a
regular committed relationship. If I were I wouldn't be
seeing girls. But that's just me.

The girls I've met so far have actually been more honest,
and better people, than a lot I've met the regular way.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-04-2012, 04:14 PM
I love you and I want to be your man Originally Posted by Reese Foster
But I do....I swear it....
I'll even leave my wife for you! To be totally honest you're the only provider I've even seen in the last 2 years.

(for the slow ones this is merely an example of a couple of lies....heck I haven't even seen her........honest)