46,000+ American citizens are currently serving time for crimes that they did not commit

AshleyGotAss's Avatar
46,000+ American citizens are currently serving time for crimes that they did not commit

46,000+ American citizens are currently serving time for crimes that they did not commit

http://www.copsrcorrupt.com/46-000--...ot-commit.html Originally Posted by AshleyGotAss
You know what that web site implies don't you? It's how to be a better criminal , not a better citizen. Don't get that confused. It's true there are people in jail who are innocent but there's much more to that story than this article reveals.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
How many cop pleas for something they did not do in order to escape time for the things they did do?

Is the problem our police officers or is it a problem with our society demanding results no matter what from those they put in charge of enforcing our laws and handing out justice.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We need a strong definition of what the "reasonable doubt" standard means. Reasonable doubt in Kansas is practically non-existent. If you get charged with something, you're presumed guilty, and have to prove your innocence in court. It's insane! We lock up a lot of people who don't belong there.

The issue isn't whether the defendant is guilty, it's whether the government can prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, to a moral certainty. That standard is no more. That's a sign of a police state.
We need a strong definition of what the "reasonable doubt" standard means. Reasonable doubt in Kansas is practically non-existent. If you get charged with something, you're presumed guilty, and have to prove your innocence in court. It's insane! We lock up a lot of people who don't belong there.

The issue isn't whether the defendant is guilty, it's whether the government can prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, to a moral certainty. That standard is no more. That's a sign of a police state. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well "Reasonable Doubt" is not a police issue, it's court issue. Cops have to establish probable cause for an arrest. The conviction rests on the "Reasonable Doubt". So if what you're saying is true. Kansas has some pretty lazy Judges and Lawyers and some slick Cops, cause they get paid for going to court so if their PC isn't being challenged life is good.

Everybody in Prison is innocent.

Just ask them.
Everybody in Prison is innocent.

Just ask them. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That would be a good assignment for a Journalist. Go to a prison and interview prisoners on their charges. I guess most of them would say "I didn't do nothing, don't know what you're talking about", lol.
