Funny vintage ads

Vintage ads.. hahahahaha..
Just wanted to add some humor to The boards since I’ve notice a quite bit of drama..



Love these, thanks for sharing!!
coast_encounter's Avatar
Very cute. Thanks for posting these, Sophia.
HoundstoothBear's Avatar
I'd like to get you a Dr. Pepper, Sophia
Cravinhead69's Avatar
I just would like to know who uses motor oil and sandpaper? And what is up with Cleveland? Was it not in the US? Didn't know it was a seperate territory. LOL.
Those were funny.
I'd be happy to buy a lady a DR. Pepper.
Sophia great post. Thanks for a good start to the day.
Hahahaha.. Cravin, I was wondering the same thing..
And thanks everyone I hope you all are having a wonderful day!