Fucking turds and kiss ass mother humpers

Just kidding with the title of this one. Negative threads always get more reads. You know how it goes, this board gets mucked up with negativity. As reactive as I can be, I know I have been guilty of contributing to that myself. Shit gets to you sometimes.

On a positive note, you can meet some really cool, bad ass mother fuckers.
Thank you, bad ass mother fuckers, for helping me with the major part of my move...You know who you are and I really couldn't have done it without you!!
This is my total kiss ass moment.

Have a Happy Humpday and feel free to post some "Love" for an ECCIE member that has done something nice for you!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint can turn a negative threAD into a positive threAD ... ijs.
HA. Well, you sure as hell got me!
billtrum's Avatar
You're great Heidi!
annie@christophers's Avatar
YOUR WELCOME AGAIN HONEY BUN!! LOL .. I think all the REALLY bad peeps are scared of ya dear.. xxoo annie
DallasRain's Avatar
Heidi---what I am about to say will make you laugh so hard!

I had a sweet client in Dallas the other day who had a mickey mouse ears on his back......He was a rotund and hairy man and when I laid him on his tummy to rub his back,His very thick hair on his back was splotchy in some areas so it looked like mickey mouse ears carved on his back!!!
Bill, when did you crawl from under your rock. Good to see you!
Dallas, only you could find the beauty in a hairy back that looks like mickey mouse. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth...
LA Man's Avatar
Originally Posted by DallasRain
That should make any man and most women want a drink!!!!

Dee you cum up with some of the best pics!!