who here has this problem?

Is it me or dose it seems like there are less and less people who remember what has been drilled into them sence the days of yester year?
No dont get me wrong I am not saying be perfect all the time,but really what has become of not even so much as a please or thank you?
Has manners become and thing of the past?
I have notice that there seems to be more and more rudeness and belittling sence becoming a provider,anyone else notice this?
I think being a provider is one of the great wonders of the world.
Why is it made out to be like we are just some sort of common SW?
So dose anyone now a days remember what common manners are anymore?
thoughts? feeling?
anyone want to let me know if i am alone on this.
manners dose anyone remember them?
With the exception of a select few men I haven't had a problem. Just ignore the rude people and that should fix the problem!
  • 8x6
  • 04-30-2011, 12:26 AM
I can't speak for my brethren, but over the years I've found that the better you treat people in general, the better they treat you in return.

In my one short year of hobbying, I've found this mantra to be especially true with providers. I consider any provider I see to be a precious gift, and treat her with the kindness, courtesy and respect she deserves. I also get off on pleasing women, and without fail, the more I please a good provider, the more she pleases me in return. All in all, it usually turns out to be a rockin' good time for both of us. And that's how it's supposed to be.
I can't speak for my brethren, but over the years I've found that the better you treat people in general, the better they treat you in return.

In my one short year of hobbying, I've found this mantra to be especially true with providers. I consider any provider I see to be a precious gift, and treat her with the kindness, courtesy and respect she deserves. I also get off on pleasing women, and without fail, the more I please a good provider, the more she pleases me in return. All in all, it usually turns out to be a rockin' good time for both of us. And that's how it's supposed to be. Originally Posted by 8x6

No offense, but I am also amazed at how poorly people spell these days. When did they stop teaching spelling in school? ...or perhaps it is just poor typing skills rather than poor spelling skills. There is always two sides to every story.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
I treat every encounter as a date, and do nothing to ruin the chances of a second or third or fourth date.

8x6 is correct about the courtesy, kindness, and respect. Nothing like starting out a date on the right note.

As for spelling, I know the keys on my laptop move around occasionally.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 04-30-2011, 11:39 AM
Well Katt, what kind of rudeness are you talking about? Can you give specific examples?

Yes, it does go both ways. I treat everybody with courtesy and respect. It doesn't matter whether it's Obama or the busboy who clears my table. Of course, when I see the ladies, I'm respectful also.

Most rudeness I encounter comes in the form of not responding to e-mails or certainly the ultimate rudeness, NC/NS. I don't think I've ever seen a lady who was rude during a session but then, I try to pick ladies who have good reputations for customer service.
  • 8x6
  • 05-01-2011, 01:11 AM
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!! Originally Posted by naughtynatale

You're quite welcome, Miss Natalie. I hope to have the pleasure of making your acquaintance some fine day. Sounds like we'd hit it off really well. And btw, your revIews and showcase are SMOKIN' HOT!!! I'm sure we'd have us a time...
Sens55's Avatar
I was told once that a true measure of a man (and I guess a woman) is how they treat someone that can do nothing for them. I try to live by that. I don't necessarily look at a provider as a gift or it as a date. But I always believe in treating them with respect until it's proven that respect is not warranted.

One thing I have noticed though is many people mistake kindness in a man for weakness. In that they would be sadly mistaken (at least in my case).

As far as spelling, I don't think it's stressed as much in elementary schools. And I know they no longer diagram sentences, or if they do, they don't do it much. Which is sad, as learning that helped me learn foreign languages because you could visualize sentence structure. But throw in spell-check and texting, which has lead to an entirely new form of spelling and traditional grammar is doomed.

I can also say that many time I use my phone to read and post, and it's hard to do it without misspelling and it's a lot harder to edit once you've entered it.
AMEN to people confusing kindness for weakness!!!!!

That is so right on, and for things beyond just the hobby.

With me, as I would imagine with Sens, once that kindness is taken advantage of
(or at least attempted to), it totally changes how I treat that individual. And
then there's no going back!
Katkisses, I'm not sure what your situation is, but only you can let what others say or think about you, affect you. If someone is being rude to you or saying unkind things, just keep your head up and be confident that you are a better person, don't stoop down to their level. Occasionally, you're going to run into some people who don't have flattering things to say about you or people who you just don't click with. Keep moving forward and don't sweat the small stuff.
Misawahawk's Avatar
New rules: 1. Don't sweat the small stuff. ;2. It's all small stuff.