WARNING - the thoughts, ideas, and information contained in PMs, emails and other private forms of communication are NOT protected under ECCIE rules - only the exact content!

The Hell you say, that doesn't make any sense! Well ladies and gents, here's how it was explained to me. If you send a private communication to another member they may paraphrase the contents and put it in their own words - to the point of changing the tone and meaning! But under ECCIE rule 9 they may not post the exact contents by cutting and pasting!

In other words if Rodger dodger sends dick face a PM about Foxy cunt and in it states - "you should be aware that I saw miss cunt last week and when I went to go down on her there was a distinct odor around her pussy - but it could have been her sheets needed changing"

Dick face could then post in open forum "I received a PM from Rodger dodger in which he states that Foxy cunt's pussy stinks"

So, sharing of information of a sensitive and private nature by PM should be avoided at all cost!

All I have to say is WOW! Don't the owners realize that's the kind of bull shit that sparks and fuels malicious rumors?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-30-2014, 09:45 AM
Sadly, no matter what the "rule" might say, that kind of unprofessional behavior will always happen. Rumors, gossip, betrayal, creating half truths. Suppose paraphrasing of a PM is declared"not allowed". That won't solve the problem of people who want to live in a charcoal gray morality. They will change "Bob sent me a PM and said....." to "Bob told me...."

The problem is the human. The problem is their desire/need/ego to display how much inside info they know, and how important that makes them. Or to curry favor. Or to hurt someone.

And it has nothing to do with this site. I see it far too often in the information market that is DC.
I just find it a double standard that the mere mention of Private Forum content can get you banned but outing a PM is acceptable!
john_deere's Avatar
no, the problem is that some people, for some reason, are getting a free pass.
If you don't want someone to see something you wrote/said - DON'T WRITE IT ON THE INTERWEB!!
If you don't want someone to see something you wrote/said - DON'T WRITE IT ON THE INTERWEB!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
So I should not share information in PRIVATE for fear it will be twisted and posted in PUBLIC? Nice logic
pyramider's Avatar
Why are you wanting to share PRIVATE info?
If you don't want someone to see something you wrote/said - DON'T WRITE IT ON THE INTERWEB!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
So I should not share information in PRIVATE for fear it will be twisted and posted in PUBLIC? Nice logic Originally Posted by Louigi
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thats the cool thing about an interactive website like this, if the info presented is false you have the opportunity to refute it for everyone to see.
Thats the cool thing about an interactive website like this, if the info presented is false you have the opportunity to refute it for everyone to see. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You know CC, you and I are friends and I respect you a lot. But I should not have to try to refute miss quoted PRIVATE messages.

No matter - the site is loosing it's credibility rather rapidly, in my humble opinion.
Still Looking's Avatar
Thats the cool thing about an interactive website like this, if the info presented is false you have the opportunity to refute it for everyone to see. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
But I hate spending so much time in the "Alert" section!
Bobave's Avatar
So Luigi, I think what I hear you saying is that you shot your mouth off in a PM and it came back to bite you in the ass. Now you're here crying and wanting everybody to pat you on the back and say, "there, there, little Luigi, it'll be okay".
universalenergy's Avatar
Remember This:
You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you.
Also there are people who are connected that get more latitude with the guideline enforcement.
This a fact in the real world and here also.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You know CC, you and I are friends and I respect you a lot. But I should not have to try to refute miss quoted PRIVATE messages.

No matter - the site is loosing it's credibility rather rapidly, in my humble opinion. Originally Posted by Louigi
What admins(mostly CC if not all) seem to be doing in the area of the board where I'm from in the background and in the open. It seems to be slowly gaining credibility.
Wakeup's Avatar
"you should be aware that I saw miss cunt last week and when I went to go down on her there was a distinct odor around her pussy - but it could have been her sheets needed changing"

"I received a PM from Rodger dodger in which he states that Foxy cunt's pussy stinks" Originally Posted by Louigi
Those two statements are totally different. So what you're saying is that "no one should be able to lie on the internet"...good luck with that one...

So, sharing of information of a sensitive and private nature by PM should be avoided at all cost! Originally Posted by Louigi
So I should not share information in PRIVATE for fear it will be twisted and posted in PUBLIC? Nice logic Originally Posted by Louigi
You're just NOW realizing this??? This is common knowledge that every teenager learns when they start using Facebook in middle school...yet for some reason, you haven't caught on?

No matter - the site is loosing it's credibility rather rapidly, in my humble opinion. Originally Posted by Louigi
You have no idea how much the owners are disturbed by "loosing" credibility with you...I'm sure they're sitting up in late night conferences talking about the state of your opinion of their credibility...

You're not very good at this whole Interwebs thing...you're probably too old to adjust your thinking to deal with the realities of it...I'd suggest you go back to sitting on your porch and yelling at the neighbor kids about your lawn...