ICAC Investigative Standards for law enforcement purpose

ICAC Investigative Standards for law enforcement purpose

Sec 4.3 Undercover Investigations
"Undercover operations, when executed and documented properly, collect virtually unassailable evidence regarding a suspect's predilection to exploit children."

So going to an adult website, ads for an adult, pictures of adults (one with wedding ring shown) would not seem "unassailable evidence" of "predilection".

Sec 4.3.4 require images to be "of individuals, age 18 or over, who have provided their informed written consent, and at the time consent was given were employed by a criminal justice agency."

So pictures have to be of adults .. on an adults only site, advertising as adult, with adult pictures. Why would someone with a predilection to exploit children go to such a site?

Entrapment ruled by a judge in Florida using this same scam to build up arrest numbers to get Federal ICAC and other grants to make it sound like arresting child trafficking predictors.

However, how many attorneys or public defenders in Phoenix will try and build an entrapment case and not just take a plea.

The Phoenix school teacher entrapped along with 29 others, lost his job, marriage, children for falling for this entrapment scam. He had lots of testimony from parents of kids he babysat for or had daughters they would absolutely trust him with their children.

Now he is a felon sex offender, taking a plea for 10 years of supervised probation and lots of other restrictions instead of 14-42 years in prison (per his attorney and AZ Central) for falling for the entrapment scam of LE to get grant money.

Arizona is especially a target for visitors from other states like the Colorado executive since Arizona is only 1 of 9 states with age 18 as an adult vs CO age 16 and most other states ages 15-17, not age 18 in Arizona.

Partly due to the plea deal in this case, Maricopa County Attorney xxxx served on Gov. Jan xxx human-trafficking task force recommended harsher penalties for defendants convicted of soliciting sex. This was passed into law in 2014 making these types of stings easier to convict without plea deals. No longer does the country have to prove actual knowledge that person is under aged but only "should have known." Further law extends to "johns" and website owners under AZ law in addition to the Federal Travel Act (no travel needed) as in the Redbook case with no clue any underaged involved.

And of course, all escorts now have to have their license numbers on ads with logs of customer info and details of contract etc (nothing sexual of course).

Beware of ads for under 30, pictures of adults even with wedding rings, on adult only boards where customers "should have known" the companion was under age 18.

This makes future entrapment stings easier to build up arrest and conviction records to justify more grant money and funding of the "pretend victim" industry like Project Rose (coming up for another six month sting operation soon taking many cops off the job of real criminals to go after 90% "pretend victims" (consenting adults).