New beginnings

ChassidyAdams's Avatar
Hey wonderful guys of eccie

I know there has been numerous rumors about me circulating in the past and I wont confirm nor deny any of them, But I can say I have made a new start and I am ready to make some changes toward my reputation in the eccie community. I am well aware I have lost a few great clients due to my past situation but all of that is water under the bridge thanks to some help from a wonderful provider i chatted with here on eccie , I have 61 reviews mostly yes's and a VERY fun menu so there is no reason why i shouldn't be a well respected and loved name in the eccie community. I will be offering a new beginnings special to prove that am taking my fresh start very seriously and look forward to being a better provider...
thanks for taking the time to read and feel free to contact me any time for rates and availability...
I think this is a very brave post. It's hard to admit mistakes and take responsibility. Making mistakes and learning from them is part of life. It looks like you are doing just that. I wish you well with your new start.
Not sure if "won't confirm or deny" is admitting mistakes, but learning from mistakes (admitted or not) is always a plus.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, thanks for going on record about this Chassidy.

I hope things turn around and go well for you going forward.

. . . But you know where the proof of the pudding really is, don't you?

Guest042416's Avatar
looks hot to me

ill see her when im in town next wee k.

don't know her issues or what they were but damn she hot