Republican idiots strike again

The article explains it all.... incredible stupidity compounded by partisan idiocy. In other words...Republicans.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How do you know it was a good bill, and should have been passed? I agree that Republicans are idiots, but that doesn't mean it was a good bill to begin with.
How do you know it was a good bill, and should have been passed? I agree that Republicans are idiots, but that doesn't mean it was a good bill to begin with. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I won't deal with you on those terms you fucking brain dead idiot. Eat shit, take a position....or fucking die.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Won't deal with me on what terms? I just asked a question. How do you know it was a good bill to begin with? A simple question, that's all. Geez. Touchy tonight, aren't you?
Won't deal with me on what terms? I just asked a question. How do you know it was a good bill to begin with? A simple question, that's all. Geez. Touchy tonight, aren't you? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I spend my life asking questions....and understand the ambiguity they can introduce into even the simplest situations. You know it as well.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, don't answer. But it's clear you don't even know what was in the bill, but decided to criticize those who caused it to fail. And we are supposed to fall in line with your opinion, or be subjected to various rants and names.

Rather than do that, I wanted to know why I should support this bill. Apparently, I won't learn that from you. Fine. You can have your own opinion, and you don't even have to back it up. I was just wondering if you could. You can't. Question answered. Thank you. Have a nice evening.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well Boehner does not represent conservatives and never has. This bill contained a lot of fat, a whole lot of fat. It also had money for ethanol subsidies. You know, that heavily polluting program that leaves the world short of food. It also had a lot of money for food stamps. You know that program that is rift with fraud and waste. I guess you can say that this bill went down to bipartisan opposition. Ah yes, cooperation.
Pork Barrel politics need to stop and the country needs approve line item veto for presidents..
The congress dines on fat!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-21-2013, 03:29 PM
Pork Barrel politics need to stop and the country needs approve line item veto for presidents.. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
you left out term limits
you left out term limits Originally Posted by CJ7
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-21-2013, 09:35 PM
You know that program that is rift with fraud and waste. I guess you can say that this bill went down to bipartisan opposition. Ah yes, cooperation. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you talking about the DoD?
If you're going to look for things that fit nicely into a thread entitled "Republican Idiots Strike Again," you will certainly discover a target-rich environment. However, I don't view this issue in the same way as the author of the piece you linked.

The article explains it all.... incredible stupidity compounded by partisan idiocy. In other words...Republicans. Originally Posted by timpage
Actually, that article doesn't explain very much at all. Its title says that the farm bill "lays bare House dysfunction." But that dysfunction was laid bare years ago when congress first wrapped SNAP and ag support programs into one bill.

This allows logrolling at its worst. Alliances of red-state Republicans and urban liberals support the other side's pet programs without having to justify their own. For instance, even the Bush administration and the Republican majority in the early '00s dramatically expanded food stamp eligibility as part of a quid pro quo that cost taxpayers billions, since the deal structure also included a substantial rise in farm support programs -- many of which primarily benefit relatively affluent farmers and agribusinesses. These people rarely meet a lobbyist they're not willing to accommodate.

On the other side of the ledger, SNAP enrollment has ballooned to a far greater extent than can be explained by the number of households affected by unemployment and/or poverty. Pushers of the program are even running radio and TV ads now, since a number of eligible people apparently don't even know they qualify.

On many issues, it's nice to see lawmakers work together in bipartisan fashion to solve problems. But this isn't one of them. We would be far better off if everything connected with agricultural subsidies and support were separated from SNAP. Then supporters of each program would have to justify it on its own.
hardroad63's Avatar
All you democrat SOB's just get in the soup lines.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
On many issues, it's nice to see lawmakers work together in bipartisan fashion to solve problems. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Yeah, it's nice when they work together. That's how we get such wonderful legislation like the Patriot Act, the NDAA, CISPA, and similar anti-liberty legislation. Don't you find it odd that the only things Congress can agree on are measures which take away or limit our freedom?

We don't need bipartisanship. We need them all out of office, replaced by individuals who love freedom and will defend the Constitution, like they're oath requires.