Someone else wrote this, but I agree

Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with ALL the people that run this country!!!!!!

Both Democrats and Republicans... NOTE:

We're "broke"
And can't help
Our own

In the past years we have provided direct cash aid to
Hamas - 351 M,
Libya 1.45 B,
Egypt - 397 M,
Mexico - 622 M,
Russia - 380 M,
Haiti - 1.4 B,
Jordan - 463 M,
Kenya - 816 M,
Sudan - 870 M,
Nigeria - 456 M,
Uganda - 451 M,
Congo - 359 M,
Ethiopia - 981 M,
Pakistan - 2 B,
South Africa - 566 M,
Senegal - 698 M,
Mozambique - 404 M,
Zambia - 331 M,
Kazakhstan - 304 M,
Iraq - 1.08 B,
Tanzania - 554 M,
Literally Billions of Dollars and they still hate us!!!!

Our retired seniors
Living on a 'fixed income'
Receive no aid

Nor do they get any breaks while our government
And religious organizations pour
Hundreds of Billions
Of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food
To Foreign Countries!

We have
Hundreds of adoptable Children who are shoved aside
To make room for
The adoption of
Foreign orphans.
AMERICA: a country where we have
Homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without needed medication and mentally ill without treatment -etc.

They have
A 'Benefit'
For the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations,
Ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies.

Imagine if
Gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries.

Sad isn't it?

Old Dingus

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 02:29 PM
its what we do

make the poor bastards believe this country must be a land of milk and honey so they will immigrate here ... then we starve their asses to death
If I could have it my way for a few minutes, I would cut off all aid and partnership benefits to every country that offered that traitor Snowden asylum or any other aid.

Old Dingus
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 02:36 PM
damn straight

and more countries than I can count on one hand before I was finished
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good post. We have a horrible "guilty" streak as a nation. We should always look to take care of our own first.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 03:15 PM
guilty is an understatement

$15 billion a month so Akbar can have a purple thumb, while we cut education, food programs for kids. and a plethora of other services in THIS country is a damn CRIME
shit started years ago and there is no one in Washington smart enough to stop it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, we DO need the oil...
Well, we DO need the oil... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
While I agree with you on a short term basis, we DO NOT need the oil longterm if we simply utilized the reserves we know we have in Alaska, off the east and west coasts, and in the Gulf. If we had the judgment to finish the pipeline, we would have a solid, dependable flow from Canada.

Proponents have argued ENERGY INDEPENDENCE for years. Everything has some risks. Those risks can be properly managed. The Alaska pipeline was going destroy the land, kill all the wildlife and ruin the ecosystem. None of that happened.

Pork barrel favoritism and the related financial interests have ignored the best interests of our country and our citizens for the selfish self interests. Note, I am not naming either party. All the political interests are to blame one way or another.

It is time to put our country first.

Old Dingus
CJohnny54's Avatar
you must not have seen the bloomberg piece concerning city in the desert running on solar and renewable? who the fuck centralize most of the energy from the gulf ... fuck if cali need electricity look to the desert ... pork is their an 80% tax on lobbyist before anyone can talk to members of congress ...lmao
I am not sure I completely follow you.

If you refer to the many refineries along the Gulf coast, I think it is the result of a major partofearly oil development occuring on the Gulf coast (which was once a shallow sea) combined with the fact that people on the two major coasts (especially California) resisted having refineries built in their locale.

Maybe solar power will develop into something viable. At present, we are set for oil and imho, should continue with oil. It seems to me (as a layperson in this field) that natural gas will likely be the best bet for the immediate future.

Looking far into the future, nuclear power may well run the world, but we do not presently have the technology to use it in everyday life.

Again, if the true consideration was what is best for our country, the answers would be obvious.

Old Dingus
CJohnny54's Avatar
if you don't start a transition, thing are not going to happen ... you don't think big oil try their ass off to kill other technological advancement in new energy? part of dumping down America ... the whole country economy is base on oil ... control the price ... control the economy
I agree completely. We should continue to work to develop alternatives and make them practical for society. But that will not happen overnight. I think natural gas is very feasible, but it will take 10 years to get the conversion of auto manufacturing and the design/ building/ operation/ implementation of "natural gas stations" for refueling.

Yes, developing the resourceswe have in Alaska and offshore the continent will also take some time. Still, I am certain that could occur much faster than options which need research and development to become viable.

Old Dingus
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-12-2013, 08:08 AM
O-D, good thread. I certainly agree with the thoughts, but the implementation--especially the disentanglements--have some difficulties.

It would be very nice if both parties could work on many of these issues without the prime thing in their minds being "Will this win me more votes than it gets the other guys?" Until we get politicians who understand that their job is improving the common good rather than throwing mud at the other party, I don't know that we will see great change.
It would be very nice if both parties could work on many of these issues without the prime thing in their minds being "Will this win me more votes than it gets the other guys?" Until we get politicians who understand that their job is improving the common good rather than throwing mud at the other party, I don't know that we will see great change. Originally Posted by Old-T

Old Dingus