Odyssey video the place behind Zone d’erotica

So the wife and I where at Odyssey video last weekend and there was a lot of hammering noise, so we asked what was going on. Turns out we got to talk to the owner about it and he said they are remodeling the whole pace into a topless strip club. He gave up a tour of the progress looks nice so far but along the way he told us he is pulling in management from Las Vegas and is shooting for a high end club.

High end for that location is going to be a longshot I think…
dress to impress!
Not a high end area, but wish him luck
MORE HJ's for everyone!
Forget high end need another Ranch.
smileyTXguy's Avatar
If they do it right, maybe they could bulldoze Zone d’Erotica to make room for more parking (they'd be doing Dallas a favor)...
TMNT LEO's Avatar
Interesting. Thanks for the info
I forgot, they plan on opening as a strip club Feb/March
doubleteamdallas's Avatar
Hell yeah and I second tearing down that eyesore in front of them! I wish them the best of luck and will definitely be patronizing their establishment.
Cdeezy817's Avatar
Man I miss the ranch lol