Provider friendly hotel

Jessica Sweet's Avatar
No sure if this is the right spot for this!

Thinking about visiting Thursday can anyone help me out with Provider friendly hotel that are safe and Areas I should be around .

And witch ones to stay away from!
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
Dear, you might want to give a hint as to what city. Bryan College Station, Waco, Temple, or Killeen. Our area is pretty large. I am sure some of the ladies or even gents would be happy to help. Just need it narrowed down a bit.

P.S. Damn your sexy. IJS
I use 1 particular place in Waco. In my experience as long as you are drug and drama free any hotel can be provider friendly. Be respectful don't smoke in smoke free rm, don't tear shit up, don't have people standing waiting outside door. Dress appropriately when entering and exiting. The hotels I use are always welcoming, respectful.
Jessica Sweet's Avatar
Witch area would I get most biz
Come to Temple...
david1978's Avatar
I think any of the areas as long as you take care of business. I’ve seen pretty girls that think they deserve the donation just because they are pretty. They seriously disregard the taking care of business part.
College Station, I’ll be first in line darling
joshdogg2014's Avatar
Sweet baby jesus! Come to killeen you will habe a lot of luck here!
I agree with joshdoggg2014 Killeen will take care of you.