Hillary, Still a lying sack of shit............


She just can't help it. She has no more read that Trade Agreement than I have.

The reason she has flip flopped is because in her quest to "out socialist" ole Bernie and garner the big Union support, she now has to be against an agreement that she once called "the gold standard of trade agreements".

Of course, I am pretty sure that in the back rooms, she has assured her billionaire liberal contributors that this is all just pablum for the moronic masses, i.e., Democrat Voters in general, and after she garners the nomination, it will be business as usual.

Hillary would lie when the truth would be better. But the, she is nothing but a lying sack of shit cunt to begin with.
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  • Old-T
  • 10-15-2015, 06:40 PM
Hard to disagree with any of that.

Unfortunately the primary process almost requires seekers to say what the Wacko fringes want to hear, and lie through their teeth. It just comes more naturally to her than many others.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Surely you've heard of the leopard and her spots...

LexusLover's Avatar
She just can't help it. She has no more read that Trade Agreement than I have.

Hillary would lie when the truth would be better. But the, she is nothing but a lying sack of shit cunt to begin with. Originally Posted by Jackie S
She hasn't read the deal with Iran either, just like she hasn't read the ACA.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-16-2015, 06:10 AM
She hasn't read the deal with Iran either, just like she hasn't read the ACA. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Most likely true. As is the case with the overwhelming number of senators and representatives of both parties. The read very, very little of what they vote on. I would say 90% of the legislation they triage into "I don't have time and it is not important enough". They vote as their party tells them or as their staffers "guide" them.

It is disturbing to go to a congressional set-down or hearing and discover how uninformed by reality so many of them are on many issues. You learn who the staffers are who have the ear of the member--and who have a functioning brain--and you hope those are the ones preping the principles on your item/issue.
when she is not in practice her blantant lies spill out willy nilly

when she does practice her words, she shades and slightly changes truth to fit her schemes
Jackie, you are correct of course, but ...

Holy shit! You're gonna make flghtr65's poor little head explode! How cruel!

Not to worry: He's sure to step in here soon enough to defend her honor.

Always remember, as flghtr65 is always so quick to point out: The ongoing FBI investigation concerns only the emails on her private server (and not Hillary personally, of course). Right?

Concerning the TPP, note this: She was "for it before she was against it." (Haven't we heard that sort of thing before?)
Two things:

1. They all lie. Jackie will post up how much he admires Carly Fiorina and she uttered a blatant lie during the last debate and doubled down on it when called out a few days later. I can pull the links regarding her comments on the Planned Parenthood videos if you like....but, you know it's true.

2. I didn't see anything that indicated she stated she had read the final text of the agreement. Perhaps I missed that. If not, would it not be expected that she would know enough of the details about the final deal that was worked out to be able to state she is against it?

Just a thought.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Two things:

1. They all lie. Jackie will post up how much he admires Carly Fiorina and she uttered a blatant lie during the last debate and doubled down on it when called out a few days later. I can pull the links regarding her comments on the Planned Parenthood videos if you like....but, you know it's true.

2. I didn't see anything that indicated she stated she had read the final text of the agreement. Perhaps I missed that. If not, would it not be expected that she would know enough of the details about the final deal that was worked out to be able to state she is against it?

Just a thought. Originally Posted by timpage
So you tell a lie. That "lie" you're talking about was looked at by several publications and (unlike how you all treat George W. Bush) they came to the conclusion that she didn't lie. She may have confused all the different videos with the endings from the testimony of witnesses but they found no falsehood that she said. Of course you can find a liberal publication that will take the party line. So lets see those links.

Of course it is an FBI investigation that is causing Hillary all of this angst. Not the GOP hearings. So they love to say that this is some kind of partisan witch hunt but it is a FBI "witch" hunt.
LexusLover's Avatar
Two things:

2. I didn't see anything that indicated she stated she had read the final text of the agreement. Perhaps I missed that. ..... Originally Posted by timpage
You missed it. But what else is new?

"Two things" ...

#1: When one states that an agreement is "the gold standard," then NECESSARILY IMPLIES that the person speaking has read the AGREEMENT.

#2: When one then lies and claims they said that the "HOPED it would be "THE GOLD STANDARD"" and then proclaims that after "reviewing" it decided that it was NOT THE GOLD STANDARD and didn't like the agreement AFTER BEING FULLY INFORMED OF THE CONTENT.....

... those are somethings HELLARIOUS stated (AND IT WAS RECORDED with her lips moving in "sync") "that indicated she stated she had read the final text of the agreement."

The "reason" I feel comfortable in concluding she didn't read the ACA, trade agreement, and Iranian "deal" is ...

anyone so dumb they think one can only have one email account on one IPhone .... couldn't read those documents and have the slightest idea what they said.
So you tell a lie. That "lie" you're talking about was looked at by several publications and (unlike how you all treat George W. Bush) they came to the conclusion that she didn't lie. She may have confused all the different videos with the endings from the testimony of witnesses but they found no falsehood that she said. Of course you can find a liberal publication that will take the party line. So lets see those links.

Of course it is an FBI investigation that is causing Hillary all of this angst. Not the GOP hearings. So they love to say that this is some kind of partisan witch hunt but it is a FBI "witch" hunt. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're exactly what you claim to hate; a fucking apologist. She lied. She wasn't confused about anything, she fucking lied. And then she doubled down on it when she was confronted.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-16-2015, 01:55 PM
You're exactly what you claim to hate; a fucking apologist. She lied. She wasn't confused about anything, she fucking lied. And then she doubled down on it when she was confronted. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You obviously do not understand the basics of political partisanship: YOUR candidate lies. MY candidate--at worst--is slightly confused, or was taken out of context.
LexusLover's Avatar
She lied. She wasn't confused about anything, she fucking lied. And then she doubled down on it when she was confronted. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Thank you for being honest.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're exactly what you claim to hate; a fucking apologist. She lied. She wasn't confused about anything, she fucking lied. And then she doubled down on it when she was confronted. Originally Posted by WombRaider
How can you support Hillary if lying offends you? You're a partisan, dishonest hack.
How can you support Hillary if lying offends you? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What if welshing on a bet offends him?

Pay up, you Fuk'n Welshing Asshole!